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And Herr Tiefel, carried away by the recollection, rose to his feet. The others caught fire, and stood up with their mugs high in the air, shouting: "Lebe wohl, Carl! Lebe wohl! Salamander, salamander, salamander! Ein ist ein, zwei ist zwei, drei ist drei! Lebe wohl!" And so they toasted every man present, even Stephen himself, whom they complimented on his speech.

Orme must not nod over her desk to-morrow, either. So good-night. Schlafen Sie wohl." Konrad Nirlanger turned a scowling face over his shoulder. Then he forgot what he was scowling for, and smiled a leering smile. "Pretty good frien's, you an' the li'l Teufel, yes? Guess we'll have to watch you, huh, Anna? We'll watch 'em, won't we?"

Aptitude for language had already shown itself when his sister Fanny had given him some German lessons; and even on his first halt at Cologne, he received the compliment, 'Sie sprechen Deutsch wohl' and he found himself talking to a German on one side and a Frenchman on the other.

We swore to live by the standards of the great Jahn, of whom you spoke. We swore to strive for the freedom of Germany with manly courage. And when we were not duelling with the nobles, we had Schlager-bouts among ourselves." "Broadswords?" exclaimed Stephen, in amazement. "Ja wohl," answered Korner, puffing heavily. The slit in his nose was plain even in the moonlight.

"I didn't know much German but I whistled the air and made him understand what I wanted. "Ja wohl, said he. "'Then, here, said I, handing him a cart wheel, 'just you stay right here and give me a dollar's worth of Dixie, a whole dollar's worth, mind you! "Well, he must have understood me all right, for the band promptly began to play Dixie.

Do you never quarrel? and have you really lived in this hillside all this long, long time, ever since the Piper first came to Hamelin five hundred years ago?" "Ja, wohl," replied the girl, nodding her flaxen head. "We are always so happy; we never quarrel; therefore we are ever young, and what thou callest five hundred years are as nothing to us.

There were two or three men in the place when Farnham entered. He waited until they were gone, and then said: "Bolty, have you two dozen repeating rifles?" "Ja wohl! Aber, Herr Gott, was machen Sie denn damit?" "I don't know why I shouldn't tell you. They think there may be a riot in town, and they tell me at the City Hall that everybody must look out for himself.

SCHLAFEN SIE WOHL!" he kissed her fingers and waved from the door, closing it behind him. "He's the right sort, Thea." Dr. Archie looked warmly after his disappearing friend. "I've always hoped you'd make it up with Fred." "Well, haven't I? Oh, marry him, you mean! Perhaps it may come about, some day. Just at present he's not in the marriage market any more than I am, is he?" "No, I suppose not.

He thrust his head out at the car window and called back, "LEBEN SIE WOHL, LEBEN SIE WOHL, MEIN KIND!" He watched her until the train swept around the curve beyond the roundhouse, and then sank back into his seat, muttering, "She had been running. Ah, she will run a long way; they cannot stop her!" What was it about the child that one believed in?

Dein /Wohl/ is unser /Stolz/, dein /Leiden/, unser /Schmerz/, /Und/ Hendel's /Tempel ist der Musensoehne Herz/." These have no remarkable effect in English, as to us the words of Latin origin are often as familiar as those which have Teutonic roots; and these form the chief peculiarity of the style.