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The old wlodyka of Dlugolas came and summoned Zbyszko to the princess. "You will serve Danusia and me at the table as my courtier," said the princess. "It may happen that you will please the king by some facetious word or deed, and the Krzyzak if he recognize you, will not complain to the king, seeing that you serve me at the king's table." Zbyszko kissed the princess' hand.

"Seeing Jagienka reminded me of Danusia, and something pricked me in the heart." "Let us go into the house," answered the old wlodyka. "It is getting late." Having risen with difficulty, he leaned on Zbyszko, who conducted him to the alcove. The next day Zbyszko went to Zgorzelice, because Macko urged him.

Then they mentioned their names, their coats of arms, their nicknames and the estates from which they received their names. The lady having heard from wlodyka Macko that he had been to Wilno, clapped her hands, and said: "How well it has happened! Tell us about Wilno and about my brother and sister. Is Prince Witold coming for the queen's confinement and for the christening?"

Tatus gave him to my service, because he was a wlodyka; I gave him a worthy armor and sent him to Zbyszko, to serve and protect him. I also gave him a bag of money for the journey. He promised me that he would serve Zbyszko faithfully until death." "My dear girl! may God reward you! Was Zych opposed to your doing it?"

"He is a knight, nephew of that wlodyka" answered the princess, pointing to Macko; "he has made a vow to Danusia." The monks did not show any surprise, because such a vow did not bind him to anything. Often vows were made to married women, and among the powerful families where the eastern custom was known, almost every woman had a knight.

Zbyszko was ready to strike him with the lance, but he recollected that the boy, although a prisoner, was by birth a wlodyka, who had remained with Zych only because he did not have money to pay his ransom; consequently Zbyszko dropped the spear. Then the Czech bent to his stirrups and said: "Be not angry, sir.

The second day, when the old wlodyka was sitting on a log in front of the house, delighted with the bright autumn day, Jagienka came, riding a black horse; she dismounted and approached Macko, out of breath on account of fast riding, and rosy as an apple; she said: "May you be blessed! Tatulo sent me to inquire about your health."

He remembered that he had received the Czech from Jagienka and that had it not been for her kind heart, he would have perished. He feared that he never would be able to repay the good-hearted girl for her kindness, but that he would only be the cause of her sorrow. "I swore to my panienka," said Hlawa, "on my honor of a wlodyka, that I would protect you; therefore I will do it without any reward.

The young wlodyka tried several times to have some conversation with him. After they started from Krakow, there were plenty of opportunities during the journey, because both accompanied the princess on horseback; but as soon as Zbyszko endeavored to learn something about the secret difficulties separating him from Danusia, the conversation was suddenly ended.

"Wait, you scoundrel!" said the elder wlodyka through his set teeth; "now I will make a vow to you. I will seek you as soon as you have finished your mission." But Powala, whose heart began to bleed also, said: "Wait! Now the princess must speak in favor of the boy; otherwise, woe to him!"