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Tatus gave him to my service, because he was a wlodyka; I gave him a worthy armor and sent him to Zbyszko, to serve and protect him. I also gave him a bag of money for the journey. He promised me that he would serve Zbyszko faithfully until death." "My dear girl! may God reward you! Was Zych opposed to your doing it?"

Repeat what I have told you to the abbot and to Zych; perhaps they will not be so angry with Zbyszko." "How can I tell them anything? Tatus is more sorrowful than angry; but it is dangerous even to mention Zbyszko's name to the abbot. He scolded me because I sent Zbyszko a servant." "What servant?" "We had a Czech, whom tatus captured at Boleslawiec, a good, faithful boy. His name was Hlawa.

"Cztan and Wilk are here!" she exclaimed; "I presume they met tatus in the forest." Immediately the thought ran through Macko's mind, that perhaps one of them would get Jagienka, and with her Moczydoly, the abbot's lands, forests and money. Then grief and anger filled his heart, especially when he perceived what occurred.

"Yes, at first tatus did not want to let me do it; but when I began to coax him, then he consented. When the abbot heard about it from his seminarists, he immediately rushed out of the room swearing; there was such a disturbance, that tatus escaped to the barn. Toward evening, the abbot took pity on my tears and even made me a present of some beads."

Having reached them, she reined in her horse; for a while, her face expressed surprise, hesitation, joy; finally, being scarcely able to believe her own eyes, she began to cry in a childish voice: "Tatulo, tatus dearest!" In the twinkling of an eye, she jumped from her horse, and Zych dismounted also to welcome her; she threw her arms around his neck.

"Tatus would not let me come into the forest, therefore I was obliged to wait until everybody had retired." After a moment she added: "You must not tell that I was here, because they will laugh at me." "But I will go with you to your house, because I am afraid the wolves will attack you, and you have no fork." "Very well!"

They did not hear him when he entered; therefore e stopped near the door, and finally he said: "May He be blessed!" "For ages and ages," answered Jurand, rising. At that moment Danusia sprang toward the young knight and having seized him with both hands, began to scream: "Zbyszku! Tatus is here!"

At that moment Danusia interrupted him; she came crying and said from the threshold: "Zbyszku! Do you know about it already! I pity tatus, but I pity you also, poor boy!" When she approached, Zbyszko encircled his love with his well arm, and began to speak: "How can I live without you, my dearest?

Having heard this, Jagienka said: "Tatus and the abbot have returned from hunting. Let us go outside; it will be better for the abbot to see you there, and not to meet you unexpectedly in the house." Having said this, she conducted Macko out-of-doors; in the courtyard, on the snow they perceived a throng of men, horses and dogs, also elks and wolves pierced with spears or shot with crossbows.

It is supposed that if an artist disregards the prohibitions imposed upon her profession, the designs that she tatus will not appear clearly, and she herself may sicken and die. The striker is merely a short iron rod, half of which is covered with a string lashing.