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He is a railroad man, and a right good one at that. Faveh me with the name again; Winteh, did you say?" "No; Winton Mr. John Winton." "D-d-devil!" gritted the Rajah, smiting the hand-rail with his clenched fist. "Hah! I beg your pahdon, my deahs a meah slip of the tongue."

An' thass one thing I 'ave notiz about young ladies: they ah juz like those bird'; in summeh lookin' cool, in winteh waum. I 'ave notiz that. An' I've notiz anotheh thing which make them juz like those bird'. They halways know if a man is lookin', an' they halways make like they don't see 'im! I would like to 'ite an i'ony about that a lill i'ony in the he'oic measuh.

"For business reasons which you ah wouldn't undehstand, we can't let the Utah finish this railroad of theirs into Carbonate this winteh." "So much I have inferred. But Mr. Winton seems to be very determined." "Mmph! I wish Mr. Callowell had favehed us with some one else any one else. That young fellow is a bawn fighteh, my deah."

"Accohdbl', wun mo'nin' las' winteh, heaout Oi goos, o' course; 'n' my 'osses 'ed n't n' moo 'rn stahted trampin' loike; 'n' heverythink quiet 's zabbath, 'n' nubbody abeout f'r moiles; 'n' horf goos 'em 'osses loike billy-o; horf 'ey goos 'arf-ways reaoun' 'he paddick, 'n' inter 'e stockyaad 'n' 'ere 'ey boides; 'n' 'at dorg a-settin' in 'e panel, a-watchin' of 'em, loike Neaow, 'ow d'ye ceaount f'r 'at, lad?