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I've had a go at climbing it myself several times but, of course, it can't be done. The Bushmen couldn't, Erongo himself only had his werf half-way up when he fought the Damaras. No one has ever climbed it!" "You don't know heverythink if yer thinks yer does," sniffed old Jim; "you're wrong. I've bin up it meself!" "Rubbish, Jim!" I said; "don't talk rot. How far have you been up, anyway?

I am the soal of onour but no gent can pay when he has no money it's not MY fault if that old screw Lady Bareacres cabbidged three hundred yards of lace, and kep back 4 of the biggest diminds and seven of the largist Injar Shawls it's not MY fault if the tradespeople didn git their goods back, and that Lady B. declared they were LOST. I began the world afresh with the close on my back, and thirteen and six in money, concealing nothink, giving up heverythink, Onist and undismayed, and though beat, with pluck in me still, and ready to begin agin.

"'You don't know heverythink, Blake, he says he 'ad a nasty way o' using that there expression; 'it isn't fever it's joy. For if the stream below has such an effect, wot will the source be like? "Well, it wasn't much good taking notice of what he said, but anyhow, next day 'e'd gone! "The boys said he'd gone upstream towards the big fall, and arter a while I follered him.

And Martin lives in the hut after all. He's between us and the bullocks now laughing at us. What business had we to travel on" "Demmit suggest something. Make use of me in this emergency, I beg of you. Shall I" "Port Phillip, all over. That's all I" "Comes o' young pups knowin' heverythink.

The boundary rider shook his head. "Noa," he replied dogmatically. "Climate plays ole Goozeb'ry wi' heverythink hout 'ere. C'lonians bea n't got noo chest, n' mo'n a greyhound." And he placed his hand on his own abdomen to emphasise his teaching. "W'y leuk at 'er; leuk at 'ee ze'f; leuk at 'e 'oss, ev'n. Ees, zhure; an' Roddy'll be jis' sich anutheh.

Twenty year or more agone I came here fust. There was four of us white men; me as cook, two prospectors, and the perfesser. "He was a queer bloke, that perfesser, clever, too, but bless yer he didn't know heverythink! I'd bin with him a long time, and he used ter tell me more'n he tole the other fellers . . . a clever sort of chap . . . but he didn't know heverythink.

'Alf a dozen of you clap on to the main sheet here, down with 'im! D'y'see 'ere's hall like a midshipman's bag, heverythink huppermost and nothing 'andy. 'Aul 'im in, Hi say!" But the sail wouldn't come, though. All the most forcible expressions of the Commination-Service were liberally bestowed on the watch.

P'raps they was right them there boys knows a lot though they don't know heverythink! Third day I gets up early and goes right up the side o' the stream, till I gets to the waterfall, but no sign did I find. And I sits there a-pondering, till all of a sudden I 'ears a voice a- calling 'Jim! "I turns round, and there 'e was at least I s'posed it was him!

As far as the bottom of the big fall, I suppose?" "To the top and all over it," said old Jim. "Oh, I knows yer don't believe. But it's gospel. You don't know heverythink!" "No, that's true, Jim," said I meekly, for I wanted his yarn. "I know you sailormen can climb better than I ever shall but how did you do it? Ropes? Ladders? . . . How?"

Never to be old! . . . Never to be old! I hears him a-saying, over and over again; but nat'rally, I on'y thought he was a bit off his napper, same as half these 'ere perfessers is, wot think they know heverythink!