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He, the master there, empties the little coffee-pot himself every morning! Never, in all my life, have I seen such a coffee-bibber!" The following evening came a new announcement of trouble. "Now it is not alone a coffee-bibber," said poor Brigitta, with a gloomy countenance and wide-staring eyes, "but a calf it is, and a devourer of rusks!

Above, Reanda leaned upon the single rail of the scaffolding with wide-staring eyes. Gloria was faint with the shock of fear, and grasped her father's arm. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself!" he said roughly, in English, but in a low voice. "You probably owe your life to Mr. Griggs," he added, immediately regaining his self-possession. Griggs alone seemed wholly unmoved by what had happened.

For a few paces he followed it, then slipped and rolled back as the fatal paralysis deadened all power of movement in his limbs. He lay where he fell, moaning out his grief with his wide-staring eyes turned straight up into the cold gray of the starless sky. For a long time he was motionless.

Thus Beltane, marching swift to the south at the head of his three hundred foresters, heard nought of their joyful acclaim, heeded not their triumph, saw nought of watchful Roger's troubled glances, but went with head bowed low, with pallid cheek and eyes wide-staring, for he saw yet again the fierce leap of those merciless flames and in his ears rang the screams and cries of Sir Rollo's proud chivalry.

And on top of that lie I prayed prayed with wide-staring eyes on the thing whose head had turned towards us prayed as I have never prayed before or since! "Are you sure there's nothing?" cried the trader. "Look on both sides! I'm sure I feel something!" Another crouching form emerged from the gloom then another and another silent and still as spectres.

One more swig o' rum an' I'd go easy," and he groaned dolorously. I mixed a pannikin of rum and water and placed it to his lips. He drank greedily, looked up at me with wide-staring eyes, gasped, "Well ! my God!" and died. Captain Duchâtel, as I heard afterwards, and as we ourselves might then judge by the results that came down to us, made a gallant fight of it.

Janet's face, in all its natural hideousness and depravity, looked up from the floor beside this heap; and farther on, lay the twisted figure of him they called Hector, with something more than the seams of greedy longing round his wide-staring eyes and icy temples.

I doubt even if her lids had shut once over her strained and wide-staring eyes. It was as if she were laid out for her grave " "Madam!" The harsh tone recalled her to herself. She took back the picture he was holding towards her and was hardly surprised when he said: "Parents must learn to endure bitterness. I have not been exempt myself from such. Your child will not die.

While he was gazing with wide-staring eyes at everything about him, a colored porter entered the car and languidly glanced from one to another of the occupants, as though making a mental calculation of the tips he would receive, when his eyes fell on the poorly-clad figure of Bob, holding his box of lunch on his knees.

For the second time in her life her heart beat with that strange emotion the protective instinct she had felt for her father. She knew at that moment she loved this little lad, with his wide-staring, unseeing eyes. "I'm lost," said the boy, sighing deeply, "and I cried ever so long, but nobody would come, and my stars all went out." "Tell me about your stars," she said eagerly.