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Moore, complained that he was spoiling the church by taking such constant care of it. "O well," said Bro. Garrett one day, "every church has to have a wheel-horse, and I might as well be the wheel-horse as any body." When father took this letter to Lawrence, he met Mr. Redpath, the Tribune reporter, who requested permission to copy it for the New York Tribune. Before Mr.

Yet never did a wily politician more industriously plot and plan to secure a nomination than Mr. Buchanan did, in his still-hunt for the Presidency. William Learned Marcy, the Secretary of War, was the "wheel-horse" of President Polk's Cabinet.

He was one of the wheels of the great army machine and loved the work for its own sake too well to be embittered at being overshadowed by a younger man. As a master of detail Westerling regarded him as an invaluable assistant, with certain limitations, which were those of the pigeonhole and the treadmill. As for Bouchard, nature had meant him to be a wheel-horse.

The people shall be put wise and kept wise to all that's going on." "It's a good plan," counselled the Duke, unperturbed. "I see I can't tell you anything about advertising." He tapped a badge on the breast of a man near him. "I'm for the people!" shouted Spinney. "The old wagon needs a new wheel-horse. I don't insist I'm the right one or the only one.

Ole chap didn't want to be paid. Cutthroat mortgage, you know. He'd heerd of the railroad junction. Jemeny! they's five hundred people livin' on Gray's claim, and yourn's alongside." "What does he call his town?" asked Albert. Jim brought his whip down smartly on a lazy wheel-horse, crying out: "Puck-a-chee! Seechy-do!" Then, after a pause, he said: "What does he call it?

Sometimes a trace-chain jingled as a wheel-horse twitched his flank; and sometimes a man spoke in a low voice, or a horse stamped on the pavement; but they seemed like black graven images of war-gods, half-smothered in the reeking darkness.

They are generally drawn by four horses, which present a very different appearance from those under the English carnages, and they are driven by one postilion, who rides the wheel-horse. Occasionally, a second postilion and two more leaders are necessary from the weight of the carriage, or the heaviness of the roads.

The four coach-horses, still attached to the pole, stood where they had been left by their driver, while the wheel-horse shot by the road-agent lay where he had fallen. Near the coach, to one side, and not twenty paces from where Bud Benton had been killed, lay the form of Dave Dockery. Throwing himself from his saddle Doctor Dick bent over him and said quickly: "He still lives! Dave!

School himself as best he could, still an energy in his mien showed there was news from Suez. "What is it, old man," asked the slow-voiced invalid, "have they made the new slate?" "Yes, and the bill's passed empowering the three counties to levy the tax and take the stock. Oh, Garnet's a wheel-horse, yes, sir-ee! and Gamble and Bulger are a team!

There he shook hands cordially with the men nearest him, excused himself for a moment until he had inspected his off leader's forefoot she had picked up a stone on the way in from Moorlands patted the nigh wheel-horse, stamped his own feet lustily as if to be sure he was all there, and, with a lordly bow to those about him, slowly mounted the steps of the club.