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Appraising the qualities of the Marta of the moment in contrast with the Marta of seventeen and the Marta of three weeks ago, Westerling was significantly conscious of her attitude of impartiality, free of any attempt at feminine influence, and of her evident desire to help him with the facts that she knew. "The charge of assault is only incidental," said Westerling.

He was thinking aloud, a habit of his, in Lanstron's company, when an idea requiring gestation came to him. "My boy, it is not fatal if we lose the apron of Engadir. The defences behind it are very strong." "No, not fatal," Lanstron agreed. "But it's very important." "And Westerling will think it fatal. Yes, I understand his character.

"You spoke of the war fever at white heat," he went on, returning to his muttons, "and of the army's enthusiasm for its work. There we come to the kernel in the nut, eh?" he asked, as he prodded the paper-knife into the palm of his hand. "Drill, organization, discipline, and centralized authority and a high-spirited aristocracy of officers are most important," said Westerling.

Ranks broken in the barracks yard, backs free of packs, shoulders free of rifles, the men of the first battalion of the 28th, which Westerling had seen marching through the park, had no thought except the prospect of the joyous lassitude of resting muscles and of loosening tongues that had been silent on the march. They were simply tired human beings in the democracy of a common life and service.

"Take off fifteen years for youth and fifteen after fifty-five nobody counts after that, though I mean to and you have ten into forty, which is one fourth. That is a good deal. But it's more to a woman than to a man yes, a lot more to a woman than to a man!" The clerk was right in thinking Westerling preoccupied; but it was not with the international crisis.

"Then I want to know where it is that you want Westerling to attack on the main line, so that we can get him to attack there. That that will help, won't it?" "Yes." "Of course, all the while I shall be getting news from him when I have proven my loyalty and have his complete confidence and I'll telephone it to you.

To-night you " said François. "Good!" thought Westerling. "No excuses will be necessary to Marie in order to be at the premier's by ten." Curiosity made him a little ahead of time, but he found the premier awaiting him in his study, free from interruption or eavesdropping. In the shadow of the table lamp the old premier looked his years.

"Less suffering than if we went to war carelessly for a long campaign than if we allowed sentiment to interfere with intellect." "I like your energy, your will!" said the premier admiringly. "And about the declaration of war? We shall time that to your purpose." "Declarations of war before striking, by nations taking the aggressive, are a disadvantage," Westerling explained.

"Our house Westerling's headquarters!" she repeated. With a start that brought her up erect, alert, challenging, her lashes flickering, she recalled that Westerling had said at parting that he should see her if war came. This corroborated Lanstron's information. One side wanted a spy in the garden; the other a general in the house. Was she expected to make a choice? He had ceased to be Lanny.

Those who would serve loyally he drew around him; those who were bitter he crowded out of his way. The immortals would have been still more lonely, or at least confused, in the adjoining room occupied by Westerling.