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Them's my business; and a nice easy trade it is. Lots of change and wariety. No one to wallop yer. Live like a jintleman." He waved his hand at his last words with a gesture expressive of large and easy circumstances. Frank glanced at his bare feet and generally dishevelled appearance. "I don't want to live like a jintleman," he said; "I want to work honest, and git wage."

He found time, however, to stop in the pantry, and to inform Toast that their suspicions were at least in part true. "This elucidates the circumstance of his having no attendant with him, like other gentlemen on board, and a wariety of other incidents, that much needed dewelopement. Mr. Blunt, I do collect from a few hints on deck, turns out to be a Mr.

Peggotty, with a delighted face, after some further rubbing of his legs, 'as this is along of my havin' played with her so much, and made believe as we was Turks, and French, and sharks, and every wariety of forinners bless you, yes; and lions and whales, and I doen't know what all! when she warn't no higher than my knee. I've got into the way on it, you know. Why, this here candle, now! said Mr.

They was all dressed like May- Day gorgeous! And as to Wine, they swam in all sorts. Altogether, I passed a pleasin evenin, but with a tendency to feel muddled, until I considered it good manners to get up and say, "Mr. Chops, the best of friends must part, I thank you for the wariety of foreign drains you have stood so 'ansome, I looks towards you in red wine, and I takes my leave." Mr.