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The more I rubbed the blacker it got, until I had used up all the soap, and the perspiration was pouring off me like rain. 'You dirthy owld bit of a blackguard of a rag, says I, in an exthremity of rage, 'You're not fit for the back of a dacent lad an' a jintleman.

"It's a mortal pity to see a fine young jintleman like that so far gone in love with a dead girl." This was Larry's comment on his young master's detective tastes. At Queenstown Ffrench bought a paper and looked over it while the tender was carrying him, in company with many a weeping emigrant, to the great steamer out in the bay.

Them's my business; and a nice easy trade it is. Lots of change and wariety. No one to wallop yer. Live like a jintleman." He waved his hand at his last words with a gesture expressive of large and easy circumstances. Frank glanced at his bare feet and generally dishevelled appearance. "I don't want to live like a jintleman," he said; "I want to work honest, and git wage."

"My brother returned to Ireland when he got the news of my father's death, in order to get his share of the property, for my father left him the same as he did my son. He took away my bhoy wid him to Canady, in order to make a landed jintleman of him. Och hone! I thought my heart would broken thin, whin he took away my swate bhoy; but I was to live to see a darker day yet."

It was on Frank that his gaze rested, and just then, aided by a quiet poke from Barney's elbow, the boy roused himself, sat up, and rubbed his eyes. "Jintleman wants yer," said Barney, whispering hoarsely in his ear. Hardly awake, Frank stumbled across the road, and mechanically touched his cap. The old gentleman stood beaming benignly at him through his spectacles.

I'm his tenant; and I know he's too much of a jintleman to turn away a man that has lived upon his honor's estate, father and son, for upwards of three hundred years. My name's Owen " "You can't see him, my good fellow, at this hour. Go to Mr. M , his Agent: we have company to dinner. He never speaks to a tenant on business; his Agent manages all that. Please, leave the way, here's more company."

"If you plaize, sor," he said, pulling his forelock, "the docthor would loike to say yez in the sick bay." "Indeed, Macan," I cried. "Do you know what he wants me for?" "The jintleman we tuk off the wrack's rekivered his sinses, an' none ov us, sure, can under-constubble his furrin lingo barrin' yersilf, sor. So, the docther wants ye fur to say what he's jabberin' about."

I over-shtayed somehow, an', whin I got to the train, begob, it was on the move. There was a first-class carr'ge door opin right forninst me, an' into that the gyard crams me holus-bolus. There was a juce of a foine jintleman sittin' there, an' he stares at me umbrageous, but I was not dishcommoded, bein' onbashful by natur'. We thravelled along a heap av miles more, till we came near London.

"Yes, yes, I remember, I heard the story," said Peter. "She and Mr. Forsyth got lost." "Axin' your pardin, sorr, she didn't. Mr. Forsyth loid. Loid like an officer and a jintleman as he is, God bless him to save a leddy, more betoken your sister, sorr. They never got lost, sorr.

"It brings your fellow-countrymen over here twice a week." "You're very complimentary, sir," said she. "Very complimentary, I declare!" "Not a bit of it, ma'am," he replied, delighted at the idea of her taking his remark seriously. "Don't you, in your `swate little island' call poor piggy `the jintleman who pays the rint, eh?"