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Dis picture is called 'De Tale o' Two Cities, and it's de French revolution. It's about a feller vot takes anodder feller's place and gits his head cut off; and say, dere's a sob story in it vot's a vunder. Ven dey brought me de scenario, I says, 'Who's de author? Dey says, 'It's a guy named Charles Dickens. 'Dickens? says I. 'Vell, I like his verk.

"Then women are permitted to have hearts?" "Shoost so, Mr. Carpenter! Ha, ha, ha! Ve business fellers my Gawd, if you knew vot business is, you'd vunder we got hearts enough to keep our blood movin'." "Business," said Carpenter, still pondering. "Then it's business " "Yes, business " put in T-S. "Dat's it!" And he lowered his voice, and looked round once more.

You vil vunder, Bonker,” he said, “how I did gom to know ze Lady Grillyer.” “I envied, certainly,” replied his friend, with a side glance at the now purring Countess. “She vas of my introdogtions, bot till after you vent out zis morning I did not lairn her name. Zen I said to myself, ‘Ze sun shines, Himmel is kind! Here now is ze fair Lady Grillyermy introdogtion!’ and zo zat is how, you see.”

I know how amiable, how excellent, they are like little shildren dey haf lissened to me ven I haf talked to dem of de aura of Schrellenbach and de ofersoul all vunder, and, I know, all pelief. But I vill not take down de time. Terrible things indeed! Miss Slopham's manuscript ran with gore the gore of the red-man always.

"'I vunder, said a stout, elderly Jewess, 'how der bolice know dose shentlemens gom to lotch mit me. Zumpotty must haf toldt dem. "'Yus, agreed an evicted tenant of doubtful occupation, 'some bloomin' nark has giv 'em away. Good job too. Tain't playin' the game for to go pottin' at the coppers like that there. Coppers 'as got their job to do same as what we 'ave. You know that, Mrs. Kosminsky.