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"Hey!" squawked Hans. "Who threw me at dot brick? Vos dot der vay you vill dood us upness? Py Chiminy! You fellers vant to vade right in und let it try you. I pelief ve can play paseball all aroundt yoursellufs. You vos challenched to meet us a game into. Yah! Vill you exception dot challench?" "Where's the interpreter?" asked Spark. "Der vot?" "The interpreter." "Vot you vant py him?"

In past days Gallup had batted well, but to-day Merriwell's wisdom in placing him far down on the batting order became apparent as the Vermonter continued to strike out. In the sixth inning Ephraim had a chance to drive in a run, for, with two men gone, the Merries pushed a runner round to third. Again Ephraim struck out. "You vos a peach uf a hitter I don'd pelief!" sneered Dunnerwurst.

"What's the matter jim-jams?" asked the officer indifferently. "No," replied Schmidt, "I tondt pelief it he's got some fever onto him." The policeman felt his pulse. "He's certainly hot enough. Who is he?" "Hank Jones." "That's a lie I'm 'Black Mose," said Harold. The policeman smiled. "'Black Mose' was killed in San Juan last summer." Harold received this news gravely.

"Vot vos dot?" gasped Hans Dunnerwurst. "You don'd pelief me! Dit ten thousand dollars pet you, Ephie? Mine cootness cracious sakes alife! You vos a spordt!" "I'm a tarnal fool!" mumbled Gallup. "I know it." "Then you did make a bet, Ephraim?" said Frank, unable to repress his feeling of dismay. "Yes, I done it! I hope the whole blamed bunch will kick me!

"Vell, how apout hayseeds? You raise dose ub there py der quandity, I pelief me?" "What makes ye think so?" "Because your hair vos full of id." "What's that? what's that?" cried Ephraim, in astonishment, quickly removing his cap and clawing through his hair with his fingers. "Hayseed in my hair? Darned if I believe it!" The boys roared, and the face of the country lad grew crimson.

"Und you pelief, ten," he inquired, "at te last? You pelief, ten, in te possibility of te odd?" I again nodded my head in assent. "Und you ave pelief in me, te Angel of te Odd?" I nodded again. "Und you acknowledge tat you pe te blind dronk und te vool?" I nodded once more. "Put your right hand into your left preeches pocket, ten, in token ov your vull zubmizzion unto te Angel ov te Odd."

'I learned dot trick in Mogoung Tanjong when I was collecting liddle monkeys for some peoples in Berlin. Efery one in der world is afraid of der monkeys except der snake. So I blay snake against monkey, and he keep quite still. Dere was too much Ego in his Cosmos. Dot is der soul-custom of monkeys. Are you asleep, or will you listen, and I will tell a dale dot you shall not pelief?

There was a scrambling among the boys, as they hastened to get their legs from beneath that table. "I don'd feel very vell aroundt der bit uf mein stomach," gasped Hans. "I pelief I vos going to be sick alretty yet." One of the boys held the light, while they all looked under the table, but they did not find anything there. "Now, that is singular," commented Harvey Dare.

'There's no tale in the wide world that I can't believe, I said. 'If you haf learned pelief you haf learned somedings. Now I shall try your pelief. Goot! When I was collecting dose liddle monkeys it was in '79 or '80, und I was in der islands of der Archipelago over dere in der dark' he pointed southward to New Guinea generally 'Mein Gott!

"I pelief me," nodded Dunnerwurst soberly. "Your advice vill took me." A few moments later he announced that he was ready, and Bob Bubbs stepped out as the first batter. Hans hit Bob with the first ball pitched, and Kilgore, who was umpiring, sent Towser to first. "Vy did you not dotge?" demanded Dunnerwurst, in exasperation. "Any vun vould pelief der ball did not see you coming.