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"'I vunder, said a stout, elderly Jewess, 'how der bolice know dose shentlemens gom to lotch mit me. Zumpotty must haf toldt dem. "'Yus, agreed an evicted tenant of doubtful occupation, 'some bloomin' nark has giv 'em away. Good job too. Tain't playin' the game for to go pottin' at the coppers like that there. Coppers 'as got their job to do same as what we 'ave. You know that, Mrs. Kosminsky.

Then, biff! out flashes one of her long arms, and the next thing Bloom knows his silk lid has been smashed down over his eyes. "Helb! Helb!" he squeals. "Bolice! I vill ged the bolice after you." With that he makes a break past her and goes waddlin' downstairs on the run. "Now I've done it, I reckon," says the young woman. "And that about finishes us, Timothy dear. He's after a cop."

I'm a rich man, I tell ye!" "Vell," remarked Vanderzee with stolid calm. "If you puy a monkey in some oder blaces, don'd pring him here to me. You vant me droubles to haff der bolice mit, hey? A few trinks you get, der sun your het in, und dronk der Cuartel in und my license I loose maype."

"You ought not to be here at all!" remarked the salesman acidly. "You're simple-minded, you are! You keep still now and vote with the majority, or we'll tell the judge on you!" The tall man subsided. "Vell," suddenly interjected the foreman, "he admitted he was guilty in the bolice gourt." "Sure!" "That's so!" "Pass the box again!" came from all hands.

For this the whole party received the reward of one thousand dollars, which was evenly divided between them. "Dot's der first money I receive playing detecter," said Hans, when he got his portion. "Maybe I vos been a regular bolice detecter ven I got old enough, hey?"

When Johnny Thompson heard the shot and the guttural mutter, "Da bolice!" he made a final effort to rally his senses and to put up a fight. He did succeed in struggling to his knees, but to fight was unnecessary. Just as another shot sent echoes down the alley and a bullet sang over their heads, his assailants took to their heels. A slight, slouching figure came gliding toward Johnny.

"If dey vas cast for him, dey don't gount for me, hey?" "No." "Den I vill yust der bolice got und raise der debbil mit dot Poozy." "Hol' on!" the Croak replied. "If dey was ter make a mistake about de ballots, an' s'posen 'stead of deir bein' hisn dey happens to be yourn, den if dey're cast fer you dey wont count fer him, will dey?" Mr.

I ask de bolice to let me vetch dem, hot dey say no; I shall disturb de chentlemens in de front room.

Then there came the ringing report of a shot from the distance. "Da bolice!" came in a guttural mutter. The reason Hanada would not meet Johnny on this particular night was that he had a pressing engagement with other persons. Just at seven o'clock he might have been seen emerging from an obscure street.