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Je vous serre la main. Reeve was thus meditating a visit to Paris for Christmas, as soon as the Court rose. Its session ended in the death of one of its most esteemed members. Sir James Colvile, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Bengal, had a house in Rutland Gate, and a great intimacy had grown up between the two.

"Vous f e," said the man, who behaved very well, and instantly began to remove me, vi et armis; but I planted a stomacher in his fifth button, which I knew would put him hors de combat for a few minutes, and by that time, at the rate the carriage was driving, my purpose would have been answered.

Par les clefs du pape, si vous ne m'accordez pas qu'il se trouve une magnifique creation seulement dans le nom, si vous ne voyez pas a ces mots: robe frola dans le silence! toute la poesie du role de Schedomi invente par madame Radcliffe dans le Confessional des Penitents noirs, vous etes indigne de lire des romans . . ." And these are fragments that have been deliberately chosen for preservation.

For these favors he thanked her in the following poem: "Ainsi donc vous réunissez Tous les arts, tous les goûts, tous les talents de plaire; Pompadour vous embellissez La Cour, le Parnasse et Cythère, Charme de tous les cœurs, trésor d'un seul mortel, Qu'un sort si beau soit éternel!"

La nuit passee you charged me pour deux chandelles when I only had one; hier vous avez charged me avec glace when I had none at all; tout les jours you are coming some fresh game or other on me, mais vous ne pouvez pas play this savon dodge on me twice. Savon is a necessary de la vie to any body but a Frenchman, et je l'aurai hors de cet hotel or make trouble. You hear me. Allons.

My gals used to come in here and find me cryin' as often as not.... 'Comment, Madame, they used to say, 'pourquoi pleurez vous? Tout va si bien! Quelle clientele, et pas chiche' I suppose you understand French? However about this trip to the country, look on it as settled. I'll pack up now and away we go in the afternoon. And not to any of your measly Hotels or village inns.

"Mon Dieu, je vous donne mon coeur," "God, I give you my heart;" and then an old nun, bringing some holy water, sprinkled it on our beds to drive away the devil, while we took some and crossed ourselves again. At nine o'clock the bell rung, and all who were awake repeated a prayer, called the offrande; those who were asleep were considered as excused.

Je me permets cependant de dire que le sentiment que j'ai eu toutes les fois que je me suis transporte par la pensee a votre chambre de malade est bien autrement profond. Mon amitie pour vous est une des affections les plus vives qu'il m'ait ete donne de conserver. Je n'ai rien de plus cher.

Under her wide straw hat her delicate, sensitive face and dark blue eyes were beautiful enough to inspire eulogy in any young man. "Pardon," he said, confused by her reprimand and her loveliness. "I shall hereafter only think you are pretty, mademoiselle mais je ne le dirais ploo." "That would be perhaps more comme il faut, monsieur." "Ploo!" he repeated with emphasis. "Ploo jamais! Je vous jure "

He braced himself with that painful air of effort which announces to the world that an Englishman is about to speak a language other than his own. "J'espère," he said, having swallowed once or twice to brace himself up for the journey through the jungle of a foreign tongue, "J'espère que vous n'êtes pas oh, dammit, what's the word J'espère que vous n'êtes pas blessée?" "Blessée?" "Yes, blessée.