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By George Busk, F.R.S., etc. "In the early part of the year 1857, a human skeleton was discovered in a limestone cave in the Neanderthal, near Hochdal, between Dusseldorf and Elberfeld. Naturhist. Vereins der Preuss. Rheinlande und Westphalens., xiv. Subsequently Dr.

Here too there was a triumphal arch and cannons, and instead of one there were three Vereins with flags and banners, also the schoolchildren, headed by the pastor and the schoolmaster, and the whole female portion of the community lining the roadway on either side, or massed round the base of the arch.

Old Frau Brohl, too, kept green the memory of the departed friend. Her speciality now was the manufacturing of flags and banners since Paul had founded quite a number of Vereins among the settlers on his estate latterly a Military Verein, and one for Conservative electors.

In einer dem Memoire angefügten Anlage wird ein Auszug aus dem vom Zentralausschusse der Narodna Odbrana herausgegebenen Vereinsorgane gleichen Namens veröffentlicht, worin in mehreren Artikeln die Tätigfelt und Ziele dieses Vereins ausführlich dargelegt werden.

At moments they almost rival the dignified showing of the processions of the German Turn Vereins which are also often seen in our city streets. The many foreign colonies which are found in all American cities afford an enormous reserve of material for public recreation and street festival.