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This is what I made out: hac ar osit unt num tria mi et qu enti qui pert anc Mi Sanc in cujus fini utelam ob lat hoc lito atis com arca absco a est. rra. Oc 1824 I had hardly finished my transcription when my hostess entered saying that breakfast was ready in the kitchen: so no attempt at working out the puzzle could be made at the time.

He is the same kind of a man as General Bragg no more heart than a tiger, I have seen a good deal of the inside of the rebel army, unt General Bragg is the coldest-blooded, cruelest man in it or in the whole world. It's true that the men he orders shot are generally of no account, like our man Jeff Hackberry but it's the principle of the thing that shocks me.

"The question come so unexpected that it come nearly knocking me off my base. I had calculated on almost every other possible thing, unt was ready for it, except that fool question. I thought for a minit that disappointed man by the tree with the rope was going to get his job, after all. But I gathered myself together with a jerk, unt calmly said with a smile: "'O, that's some of my foolishness.

Ich zay de voorld ish all pad, unt it aud doo pe vinished vunst already, I ton't gare how quick, so ash dem droonk vools kit vot pelongs doo 'em venever Gabrel ploes his drumbet." "They'll get that in due time, my friend," said Andrew, untying the rope with which Gottlieb had been pinioned. "Come, let us go back to our own shore." "Bud daint my zhore no more.

The Adjutant-General came in. He looked over the papers in a very satisfied way, folded them up, checked off from a list a memorandum of the papers he had given me to copy unt compile, unt saw that I had given them all back to him. Then he looked me straight in the eye unt said: "'Now, Jew, there's no use of my saying anything to you. You heard that volley this morning, unt understood it.

Stranger. What! you hunt, do you? Jorrocks. A few you've perhaps heard tell of the Surrey 'unt? Stranger. Cocktail affair, isn't it? Jorrocks. No such thing, I assure you. Cocktail indeed! I likes that. Stranger. Well, but it's not what we calls a fast-coach. Jorrocks.

The skipper stared at him blankly, meanwhile swabbing at his burns with oiled waste. "Yat, it iss better so, mine friendt. It wass not arranged like this, but it iss much better so, now ve haf lost no mans, after all. Schall ve put into dot schmall cove dere, captain? It vill hide us from the riffer, unt pretty soon our friendts vill be dere. The boat iss too full; unt dese mans need cool grass."

"When we got near General Price's tent, Jim Jones says to the rest: "'You stop there. Come along with me, Jew. "He took me by the collar, unt we walked toward General Price's tent. He whispered to me as we went along: 'You're all right, Rosenbaum. I know you, unt I know what you're here for. Just keep a stiff upper lip, tell your story straight, unt I'll see you through.

Dees time here der vater come again till I vish it vas last year vonce! Unt now all I safe is my vife, unt my son his vife, unt my leedle grandchilderns! Else everding is gone! All everyding! Der house gone unt unt der morgage gone, too!"

Sophia remaining still silent, he cryed out, "What, art dumb? why dost unt speak? Was not thy mother a d d b to me? answer me that. What, I suppose you despise your father too, and don't think him good enough to speak to?" "For Heaven's sake, sir," answered Sophia, "do not give so cruel a turn to my silence.