United States or San Marino ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Who ever heard of teasing a young lady about a gentleman she has never seen, only three times, and who has never declared any preference?" "Madame," replied her husband, in great wrath, either real or simulated, "vous etes une ingrate, une, une words fail me, to express what I think of your enormous and unkind ingratitude.

They never burned anybody till he confessed; and if one course of torture would not suffice, their patience was not exhausted, and they tried him again and again, even to the twentieth time! Well may we exclaim, when such atrocities have been committed in the name of religion, "Quel lion, quel tigre egale en cruaute, Une injuste fureur qu'arme la piete?"

Villani, a very good authority on the subject, says 6000, brought from the ships at Harfleur. A mistranslation of 'une esclistre, 'a flash of lightning.

"La femme devenue ouvrière, n'est plus une femme," wrote Jules Simon in a burst of despair at the conditions of the Paris workwoman; and he repeated the word as his investigations extended to manufacturing France, and he found everywhere the home in many cases abolished, the crèche taking its place till the child, vitally dependent upon a care that included love, gave up the struggle for existence, rendering its tiny quota to the long list of infant mortality.

Here, it is to be observed, are horizontal beds remaining, which give a measure of what had been abstracted by some cause, which is our present subject of investigation. The Chevalier proceeds: «Les environs de Sortino m'offrirent des phénomènes et des singularités dont l'explication me parut difficile, et qui tinrent pendant longtemps mon esprit en suspens. Je vis d'abord les matières volcaniques ensevelies sous des bancs horizontaux de pierres calcaires, très-coquillières, contenant sur-tout une infinité de madréporites, quelques-uns d'un volume énorme. Je vis ensuite des hauteurs dont les sommets seuls étoient volcaniques, et les noyaux calcaires, sans que les laves qui couronnoient ces sommets eussent communication avec aucun courant, et eussent d'autre étendue que le plateau qu'elles recouvroient. Ces laves n'avoient pu être formées je les voyois; elles étoient venues d'ailleurs; mais d'où et comment? etc. Je me déterminai

On the one hand we see the Spanish Crown, with high ideals of order and justice, of religious and political unity, extending to its ultramarine possessions its faith, its language, its laws and its administration; providing for the welfare of the aborigines with paternal solicitude; endeavouring to restrain and temper the passions of the conquerors; building churches and founding schools and monasteries; in a word, trying to make its colonies an integral part of the Spanish monarchy, "une société vieille dans une contrée neuve."

An anonymous review has no more authority than an anonymous letter; and one should be received with the same mistrust as the other. Or shall we take the name of the man who consents to preside over what is, in the strict sense of the word, une société anonyme as a guarantee for the veracity of his colleagues?

Au neuvième siècle, nous eûmes une autre sorte de Voyage par Hetton, moine et abbé de Richenou, puis évéque B

Devant une facade rose, Sur le marbre d'un escalier. The whole of Venice was in those two lines. He remembered the autumn that he had passed there, and a wonderful love that had stirred him to delightful fantastic follies. There was romance in every place. But Venice, like Oxford, had kept the background for romance, and background was everything, or almost everything.

Robert shook his head, smiling. A common friend of theirs and hers had once described this little lady to Elsmere by a French sentence which originally applied to the Duchesse de Choiseul. 'Une charmante petite fée sortie d'un oeuf enchanté! so it ran.