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This individual eyed Okoya in silence for a moment, as if inspecting his person; then he inquired, "Where do you come from?" The young fellow looked up and replied, "From below," pointing to the lower end of the gorge. "What did you hunt?" the other continued, glancing at the bow and arrows of the boy. "Tzina;" and with perceptible embarrassment Okoya added, "but I killed nothing."

They completely shut out from his gaze the eastern cave-dwellings of Tzina hanutsh. Farther to the east, the wall of cliffs swept around to the southeast, showing the houses of the Eagle clan built against its base, the caverns of Yakka hanutsh opening along a semicircle terminating in a sharp point of massive rocks.

The tzina is shy and wary; it knows how sure my aim is, therefore it hides when I go out to hunt." The little one replied to this pompous explanation with a clear mocking laugh. "Turkeys care nothing about you," he retorted. "It is nothing to them whether you go out or not!" "Shyuote," his brother scolded, "stop prating about things of which you do not know.

The delegate of the Prairie-wolf people was not only of the same opinion as his predecessor, he even mentioned a tract of waste land that lay east of the cultivated plots, from which Shyuamo might take what they needed. The speaker of Tzina hanutsh, however, was of an adverse opinion.

In order to mislead his comrades, in case they should be on the lookout, he went higher up along the cliffs till he reached the caves of Tzina hanutsh. Here he looked back. The three boys were singing lustily the same monotonous rhyme at the same place where he had left them.

But since the nashtio also, at least in part, performed similar acts, it could not help producing, slowly and gradually but surely, a tremendous amount of gossip and a corresponding number of speculations of a rather gloomy nature. That gossip was started in the cave-dwellings of Tzina hanutsh.