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I told you the Shining Devil's mistress was all evil. Ja! Now I begin again that tale I started when he came" he glanced toward the preoccupied Rador. "And tell him not what I say should he ask. For I trust none here in Trolldom, save the Jomfrau the White Virgin!

"Trolldom!" croaked the voice of Olaf. "Chert!" This from Marakinoff. "What a space!" "Have you considered, Dr. Goodwin," he went on after a pause, "a curious thing? We know, or, at least, is it not that nine out of ten astronomers believe, that the moon was hurled out of this same region we now call the Pacific when the earth was yet like molasses; almost molten, I should say.

"Spoken like a scientist, Doc!" he exclaimed. "I suppose if a burning angel struck you out of nowhere and threw itself about you, you would most dignifiedly tell it you didn't want to be burned. For God's sake, don't talk nonsense, Goodwin!" he ended, almost peevishly. "Evil! Evil!" The Norseman's voice was deep, nearly a chant. "All here is of evil: Trolldom and Helvede it is, Ja!

Thus it was that we first saw the city of the Dweller; blessed and accursed as no place on earth, or under or above earth has ever been or, that force willing which some call God, ever again shall be! "Chert!" whispered Marakinoff. "Incredible!" "Trolldom!" gasped Olaf Huldricksson. "It is Trolldom!" "Listen, Olaf!" said Larry. "Cut out that Trolldom stuff!

There's no Trolldom, or fairies, outside Ireland. Get that! And this isn't Ireland. And, buck up, Professor!" This to Marakinoff. "What you see down there are people just plain people. And wherever there's people is where I live. Get me? "There's no way in but in and no way out but out," said O'Keefe. "And there's the stairway.

And this they plan to rule our world with their Shining Devil." The Norseman was silent for a moment; then voice deep, trembling "Trolldom is awake; Helvede crouches at Earth Gate whining to be loosed into a world already devil ridden! And we are but three!" I felt the blood drive out of my heart. But Larry's was the fighting face of the O'Keefes of a thousand years.