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"Spoken like a scientist, Doc!" he exclaimed. "I suppose if a burning angel struck you out of nowhere and threw itself about you, you would most dignifiedly tell it you didn't want to be burned. For God's sake, don't talk nonsense, Goodwin!" he ended, almost peevishly. "Evil! Evil!" The Norseman's voice was deep, nearly a chant. "All here is of evil: Trolldom and Helvede it is, Ja!

"The dragon worm!" Rador said. "It was Helvede Orm the hell worm!" groaned Olaf. "There you go again " blazed Larry; but the green dwarf was hurrying down the path and swiftly we followed, Larry muttering, Olaf mumbling, behind me. The green dwarf was signalling us for caution. He pointed through a break in a grove of fifty-foot cedar mosses we were skirting the glassy road!

And this they plan to rule our world with their Shining Devil." The Norseman was silent for a moment; then voice deep, trembling "Trolldom is awake; Helvede crouches at Earth Gate whining to be loosed into a world already devil ridden! And we are but three!" I felt the blood drive out of my heart. But Larry's was the fighting face of the O'Keefes of a thousand years.

"I said in here" he touched his head "I said, 'It is Loki come out of Helvede. But he cannot take my Helma, for Christ lives and Loki has no power to hurt my Helma or my Freda! Christ lives! Christ lives! I said. But the sparkling devil did not let my Helma go. It drew her to the rail; half over it. I saw her eyes upon the child and a little she broke away and reached to it.