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In the expedition which was to have taken place in 1815, the Count Trigant de Beaumont, whom the king had appointed governor of Senegal, had promised my father to reinstate him in the rank of captain of infantry, which he had held before the Revolution, and after that to appoint him to the command of the counting-house of Galam, dependent upon the government of Senegal.

The aggression towards the father is a frequent female symbolization in hysteria as well. DR. TRIGANT BURROW, Baltimore: It seems to me that the President's reference to this heterosexual instance need not necessarily be heterosexual in a psychological sense.

He had the first gift of the documents concerning the countries where they were to found the agricultural establishments in Africa, and had proposed plans which were accepted of at the time by the President of the Council of State, and by the Minister of Marine, for the colonization of Senegal; but the unfortunate events of 1815 having overturned every thing, another governor was nominated for that colony in place of Count Trigant de Beaumont.

"The Mechanisms of Essential Epilepsy," Dr. L. Pierce Clark, of New York, N. Y. "Material Illustrative of the 'Principle of Primary Identification, " Dr. Trigant Burrow, of Baltimore, Md "Psychoneuroses Among Primitive Tribes," Dr. Isador H. Coriat, of Boston, Mass. Data Concerning Delusions of Personality," Dr. E. E. Southard, of Boston, Mass. "Dyslalia Viewed as a Centre-Asthenia." Dr.

This we know from the Freudian standpoint is impossible. The heterosexual adaptation is but apparent. DR. TRIGANT BURROW, Baltimore: In regard to Dr Putnam's comment that my thesis contains what has been said already by Freud. Undoubtedly to a large extent it has.