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And he spoke, not to the Clodian public whose republican enthusiasm had been long burnt down to ashes and dross, but to the young men from the towns and villages of Northern Italy, who still felt freshly and purely the mighty influence of the thought of civic freedom; who were still capable of fighting and of dying for ideals; who had themselves received for their country in a revolutionary way from Caesar the burgess-rights which the government refused to them; whom Caesar's fall would leave once more at the mercy of the -fasces-, and who already possessed practical proofs of the inexorable use which the oligarchy proposed to make of these against the Transpadanes.

Besides the attitude of Crassus towards the conspiracy alone shows sufficiently that it was directed against Pompeius. V. V. Transpadanes Plutarch, Crass. 13; Cicero, de Lege agr. ii. 17, 44. To this year belongs Cicero's oration -de rege Alexandrino-, which has been incorrectly assigned to the year 698.

To be distinguished from the consul having the same name of 704; the latter was a cousin, the consul of 705 a brother, of the Marcus Marcellus who was consul in 703. V. IX. Debates ss to Caesar's Recall ff. II. II. Intercession V. V. Transpadanes V. V. Transpadanes

It is obvious that the intrinsic inconsistency of the Gracchan policy in abetting at once the effort of the excluded to obtain admission into the circle of the privileged, and the effort of the privileged to maintain their distinctive rights had passed over to their successors; while Caesar and his friends on the one hand held forth to the Transpadanes the prospect of the franchise, they on the other hand gave their assent to the continuance of the disabilities of the freedmen, and to the barbarous setting aside of the rivalry which the industry and trading skill of the Hellenes and Orientals maintained with the Italians in Italy itself.

The community as a whole was Caesarian, a fact explained not wholly by Piso's relations to Philodemus and the friendly attitude of so many followers of Caesar, but also by the consideration that the leading spirits were Transpadanes: Vergil, Varius and Quintilius, at least.

The democratic banner hardly yielded farther positive gain, since the ideals of Gracchus had been rendered infamous and ridiculous by Clodius; for where was there now laying aside perhaps the Transpadanes any class of any sort of importance, which would have been induced by the battle-cries of the democracy to take part in the struggle? The Aristocracy and Pompeius

Besides the attitude of Crassus towards the conspiracy alone shows sufficiently that it was directed against Pompeius. V. V. Transpadanes Plutarch, Crass. 13; Cicero, de Lege agr. ii. 17, 44. To this year belongs Cicero's oration -de rege Alexandrino-, which has been incorrectly assigned to the year 698.

But their notorious action at this epoch corresponds with striking exactness to the secret action which this report ascribes to them. The attempt of Crassus, who in this year was censor, officially to enrol the Transpadanes in the burgess-list was of itself directly a revolutionary enterprise. These machinations suspiciously coincide with the charges raised by their antagonists.

Communication could not be held with him by way of the sea, since Pompeius commanded the seas. For this purpose they reckoned on the Transpadanes the old clients of the democracy among whom there was great agitation, and who would of course have at once received the franchise and, further, on different Celtic tribes. The threads of this combination reached as far as Mauretania.

Transpadanes Freedmen But, above all, efforts were made to complete the democratic restoration and to realize the leading ideas of the Gracchan period in a form suitable to the times. The election of the priests by the comitia, which Gnaeus Domitius had introduced and Sulla had again done away, was established by a law of the tribune of the people Titus Labienus in 691.