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No man could crawl through it." "Then it was not a man," declared Floriani. "What!" "If the transom is too small to admit a man, it must have been a child." "A child!" "Did you not say that your friend Henriette had a son?" "Yes; a son named Raoul." "Then, in all probability, it was Raoul who committed the theft." "What proof have you of that?" "What proof! Plenty of it....For instance "

"What has happened?" "Was it a telegram?" "How perfectly atrocious!" "Is she sick?" "Beatrice Leigh to treat us with such unutterable rudeness!" Berta listened with a queer little smile on her sensitively cut lips. Once she noticed a hasty twist of the knob as if Bea had snatched at it from the other side under the prick of the comments floating over the transom.

It was by this time four o'clock on this winter morning, and the crew of the lifeboat were, to use their own words, 'nearly done. They also noticed that the lifeboat was much lower than usual in the water, but neither danger, nor hardships, nor fatigue can daunt the spirits of the brave, and their courage rose above the terror of the storm, and they forgot the crippled condition of the lifeboat both of her bows being completely stove in by the force of her blows against the deck and the transom of the French brig and they responded gallantly to the coxswain's orders of 'Up anchor and set the foresail! and they made for the flare of the fresh wreck for which they had been originally heading.

"Zounds, this is too much," exclaimed Bang, as he rose and kicked the poor fellow out again, with such vehemence, that his skull, encountering the paunch of our friend the Baron, who was entering from the street at that instant, capsized him outright, and away rolled his Excellency the General de Division, Commandant de L'Arrondissement, &c. &c. digging his spurs into poor Pegtop's transom, and sacring furiously, while the black servant roared as if he had been harpooned by the very devil.

Something about the shadowy hallway seemed unfamiliar; he went to the door, stepped out on the stoop, and looked up at the number on the transom. It was thirty-eight; no doubt about the house. Hesitating, he glanced around to see that his hansom was still there. It had disappeared.

I hope you won't replace them, sir. I hope Captain Transom may see her as she should be, as she was when your honour had your first pleasure cruise in her." Here but I may have dreamed it I thought the quid in the honest fellow's cheek stuck out in higher relief than usual for a short space. "We shall see, we shall see," said I.

He then told me that if I would come on board his vessel the following morning, I would find the ship's articles on the cabin transom. This was getting along famously. But what was to become of the doctor? I forthwith made an adroit allusion to my long friend. But it was worse than useless.

Kennedy was watching his chance, and when the cafe emptied itself after being deluged between the acts from a neighbouring theatre, he jumped up quickly in the seat, stood on his toes and craned his neck through the diagonally opened transom.

"Yes," he said, with a meditative stare at the transom before him, "things will happen tonight." It was a thick and heavy night, with a drizzle of fine rain blanketing the city. Every now and then a lonely carriage spluttered along the oily and pool-strewn pavement of the cross-street. Every now and then, too, the rush and clang of the Broadway cars echoed down the canyon of rain-swept silence.

In the early part of the voyage the doctor and the captain lived together as pleasantly as could be. To say nothing of many a can they drank over the cabin transom, both of them had read books, and one of them had travelled; so their stories never flagged.