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"Twice you have saved me from death, you have paid my debts, and have been stanch to us both in our troubles. And " The effort was beyond me, and I glanced appealingly at Dolly. "And it is to you, dear Jack," she finished, "it is to you alone that we owe the great joy of our lives." Her eyes were shining through her tears, and her smile was like the sun out of a rain-swept sky.

The guard inquired respectfully, as the porter put our new luggage in the racks, whether we had everything we wanted. The toy locomotive blew its toy whistle, and we were off for the north; past dingy, yellow tenements of the smoking factory towns, and stretches of orderly, hedge-spaced rain-swept country.

He had spoken to several pickets, and had gathered no news of interest, except that none of them had seen Chief Inspector Kerry since some time shortly before dusk. Seton, newly from more genial climes, shivered as he contemplated the misty, rain-swept streets, deserted and but dimly lighted by an occasional lamp.

But Max, priding himself on his qualities as a sailor, managed to sit through the meagre dessert. The girl was not visible on the rain-swept deck, or in the gloomy reading-room, where Max glanced over old French papers until his optic nerves sent imperative messages of protest to his brain.

It is a grown-up fear of goblins. You'll be over it as soon as we are outside." Ten minutes later the cavalcade started down the rain-swept road toward the city, dry blankets having been placed across the saddles occupied by the ladies and the Prince. The Witch stood in her doorway, laughing gleefully, inviting them to come often. "Come again, your Highness," she croaked sarcastically.

Out on the rain-swept mountain the prostrate rider had regained his senses and now was crawling painfully towards the road-house. Seen through the dark he would have resembled some misshapen, creeping monster, for he dragged himself, reptile-like, close to the ground.

It would not be a kindness but an exhibition of smug vanity to shelter her this one night; also, there was the question of her reputation and the possibility of turning her head, perhaps just enough to cause her ruin. He sprang across the wind-swept, rain-swept sidewalk and into the limousine whose door was being held open by an obsequious attendant. "Home," he said, and the door slammed.

The girls stood at the windows, staring drearily out. They could just see a house down the road on the other side. In the other direction no residences were visible just an expanse of rain-swept fields. And there seemed to be no passers-by no teams on the winding country road. "Oh, but this is lonesome," said Amy, with a sigh. "Girls, what are we to do?" demanded Mollie.

But he could imagine his street, the rain-swept desolate curve of it, as it turned northward, and beyond the empty suburban roads, the twinkling villa windows, the ruined field, the broken lane, and then yet another suburb rising, a solitary gas-lamp glimmering at a corner, and the plane tree lashing its boughs, and driving great showers against the glass. It was wonderful to think of.

But her spirit did not fail her. From the water-front, deserted and rain-swept, she called a passing street carriage, and drove to the Hotel Bristol. There she sent the driver to ask if any luggage had arrived from Venice for Miss Allen. None had arrived, and Miss Allen, naturally, appeared in great perturbation before the sympathetic but helpless hotel manager.