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Il y a pourtant une de ces lettres qui a donne tant de bonheur qu'elle peut compter pour une douzaine. Pauvre cherie! comme je voudrais toujours reussir a rendre ta vie douce et agreable! Depuis que je ne vis plus pour moi, mais pour toi et les enfants, j'ai goute moi-meme un nouveau genre de bonheur mele de nouvelles tristesses.

"C'est toi?" came in answer, and a small hand cautiously opened a heavy overhead shutter, back of which a shaded lamp was burning. "Yes, it is all right, it is I," said he. "Come down! I have a surprise for you. I have captured an American." There came the sound of tripping feet, the quick drawing of a heavy bolt, and the door opened. My little lady of the Pré Catelan!

Upon this the King, boiling with rage, seized the Prince by the wrist, and shaking it violently, exclaimed in Spanish, "No los estados, ma vos, vos, vos! Not the estates, but you, you, you!" repeating thrice the word vos, which is as disrespectful and uncourteous in Spanish as "toi" in French.

The old man was much alarmed, but his daughter followed beside him to the omnibus, in which were several lamed soldiers. "Et toi?" he quavered as they lifted him in. "What of thee, Maryette?" "I follow," she called out cheerily. "I rejoin thee " the bus moved on "God knows when or where!" she added under her breath. The airman was whispering to a fat staff officer when she rejoined him.

This, however, was only a temporary ruse, and her ordinary cruising sails were similar to those commonly in use with vessels of her class. A little forward of the mizen-mast was placed the steering apparatus, a large double wheel, inscribed with the significant words: Aide toi et Dieu t'aidera; a motto which, in the case of the Alabama, has been better acted up to than such legends usually are.

Sadly the lover went away, went into the great solitude, fasted and prayed. When a long year had passed he came once more to the house of the one he loved, and struck again upon the door. The voice from within cried, "Qui est la?" "C'est toi!" whispered the lover. Then the door was opened swiftly and he passed in with outstretched arms.

To play the part of his wife, to hear him say to her, to respond with the affectionate and familiar 'toi', was so amusing! It was droll to see her cut out her husband in chemistry, history, and grammar, and make him confound La Fontaine with Corneille. She had such a little air while doing it!

A toi, mon cheri. PS. There's rather a dear man living fairly close to Rumfold, old Sir James Devereux. His house is Blandford a magnificent old place; almost if not quite as fine as Rumfold, and the grounds are bigger.

As in the Central American States, "Ote toi de la que m'y mette" is on the standard of every ambitious general, colonel or politician. It is the direct cause of all the revolutions. At Corinto a lady, whom we became intimate with, landed for the professed purpose of "revoluting."

For instance, in Monsieur Alphonse, a husband, on discovering that his wife has had an intrigue before their marriage, and that a little girl whom she wishes to adopt is really her daughter, instantly raises her from the ground where she lies grovelling at his feet, and says: "Créature de Dieu, toi qui as failli et te repens, relève toi, je te pardonne."