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"I toant make him too udt," he continued, starting again; "he cumps to me sindts apowdt two-o-o mundts aco ven I shtill feelin' a liddle veak, yet, fun teh yalla-feewa undt yoost paygs me to let um too udt. 'Mr. Richlun, sayss I to him, 'I toandt kin untershtayndt for vot you vawndts to too sich a ritickliss, Mr. Richlun! Ovver he sayss, 'Mr.

Reisen, he sayss, 'toandt you aysk me te reason, ovver yoost let me co abate undt too udt! Undt I voss a coin' to kiff udt up, alretty; ovver ten cumps in Missess Reisen, who iss a heap shmarter mayn as fot Reisen iss, I yoost tell you te ectsectly troot, and she sayss, 'Reisen, you yoost tell Mr. Richlun, Mr. Richlun, you toadnt coin' to too sich a ritickliss!" The speaker paused for effect.

"Sure, Tocter Tseweer, I toandt hef nutting to gomblain akinst teh vertes of tat letter. You voss mighty puttickly. Ovver, shtill, I hef sumpting to tell you vot ef you het a-knowdt udt pefore you writed tose vertes, alreatty, t'ey voot a little tifferendt pin." "Well, sir, why don't you tell it?" Reisen smiled. "Tat iss teh ectsectly vot I am coing to too.

Richling had only time to answer with his eyes, when the baker, always clinging close to them, said, "Yes; if I toandt look oudt yet, he pe rich pefore Reisen." The Doctor looked steadily at Richling, stood still, and said, "Don't hurry." But Richling swung playfully half around on his heel, dropped his glance, and jerked his head sidewise, as one who neither resented the advice nor took it.

"Now, tat prate kot life in udt yoost teh same like your own selluf, Toctor. Tot prate kot yoost so much sense ass Reisen kot. Ovver, Toctor Toctor" the Doctor was giving his attention to Richling, who was explaining something "Toctor, toandt you come here uxpectin' to see nopoty sick, less-n udt iss Mr. Richlun."

The Doctor neither smiled nor spoke. Reisen resumed: "I seen udt. I seen udt. Ovver I toandt coult untershtayndt udt. Ovver one tay cumps in mine little poy in to me fen te pakers voss all ashleep, 'Pap-a, Mr. Richlun sayss you shouldt come into teh offuss. I kumpt in. Mr.

He iss not ferra shtrong; ovver he vurks like a shteam-inchyine." "I haven't seen him for many a day," said Dr. Sevier. The baker distended his eyes, bent his enormous digestive apparatus forward, raised his eyebrows, and hung his arms free from his sides. "He toandt kit a minudt to shpare in teh tswendy-four hourss. Sumptimes he sayss, 'Mr. Reisen, I can't shtop to talk mit you. Sindts Mr.

"I yoost come in fun mine paykery undt comin' into mine howse, fen I see someting" he waved his hand downward again "someting layin' on te floor face pleck ans a nigger's; undt fen I look to see who udt iss, udt is Mississ Reisen! Toctor, I vish you come right off! I couldn't shtayndt udt you toandt come right avay!"

"You toandt kott enna verte to sendt to Mr. Richlun, Toctor!" "Yes. Tell him to come and pass an hour with me some evening in my library." The German lifted his hand in delight. "Vy, tot's yoost teh dting! Mr. Richlun alvayss pin sayin', 'I vish he aysk me come undt see um; undt I sayss, 'You holdt shtill, yet, Mr.