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"Toctor, you ugscooce me ovver" the baker held the Doctor by the elbow as he began to turn away "Toctor Tseweer," the great face lighted up with a smile, the large body doubled partly together, and the broad left hand was held ready to smite the thigh, "you shouldt see Mr. Richlun ven he fowndt owdt udt is goin' to lower teh price of prate! I taught he iss goin' to kiss Mississ Reisen!"

Poor Zebby, courtesying, said "Sir, me hopes you will have much pity on Missy she was spoily all her life, by poor massa her mamma good, very good; and when Missy pinch Zebby, and pricky with pin, then good mississ she be angry; but massa say only 'Poo! poo! she be child naughty tricks wear off in time. He be warm man himself." The poor negro's defence affected the little circle, and Mr.

"I yoost come in fun mine paykery undt comin' into mine howse, fen I see someting" he waved his hand downward again "someting layin' on te floor face pleck ans a nigger's; undt fen I look to see who udt iss, udt is Mississ Reisen! Toctor, I vish you come right off! I couldn't shtayndt udt you toandt come right avay!"

"Vell, now, I yoost pet finfty tawllars tat iss Mississ Reisen sendts for you tat I'm sick! Ven udt iss not such a dting!" He laughed immoderately. "Ovver I'm gladt you come, Toctor, ennahow, for you pin yoost in time to see ever'ting runnin'. I vish you yoost come undt see udt!" He grinned in his old, broad way; but his face was anxious, and his bared arms were lean.