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Like archery practice, when you hit the bull's eye. Only words are somehow different, too. They sort of taste when you say them sometimes sweet and sometimes tingly and queer, like the Amorites and Hittites," and she giggled at the memory. Patricia shook her head. "Don't go tasting too many new ones around here," she cautioned with a kiss.

And his mother's surprise was genuine: not the acted surprise of grown-ups, that was so patent and so irritating and made them look so silly. The smile in her eyes as she listened had sent a warm tingly feeling all through him, as if the spring sunshine itself ran in his veins. Naturally he could not express it so; but he felt it so. And now, as he lay looking and listening, he felt it still.

"Awfully sorry," says he, smilin' mushy, "but I fear I can't go on with the decorating to-day." "Never mind," says Aunty, comfortin'. "This young man will help us." "Please do, Torchy," adds Marjorie. "You will, won't you?" says Vee, shootin' over a glance from them gray eyes that makes me feel all rosy and tingly. "That's my job in life," says I, pickin' up the fish net. "Now how does this go?"

Maybe I had never really come to terms with the direction she had chosen. I started to feel tingly and blurry eyed. If she, with her playing, could bring tears to even one large woman in a worse-than-average audience, she must also be bringing joy to another, and at least some feeling to someone else; maybe everyone else.

I went into my own room and sat in the dark, and tried to be furiously angry, and only succeeded in feeling queer and tingly. One thing was absolutely certain: not the same man, but two different men had kissed me on the stairs to the roof. It sounds rather horrid and discriminating, but there was all the difference in the world. But then who had? And for whom had Mr.

One evening it began to rain and then thunder and lightnin', and we stood in a kind of shed for a bit, when all of a sudden I felt creepy and tingly, and saw a flash, followed by awful thunder; and of course I knew I had got a shock.

When I try it in bed I have such tingly sensations." "That's because your legs are straight out. Let's try it in the chair, with them hanging down." "I'll try it, but I know I can't stand it. There! Thank you so much! You wouldn't think that a year ago I was as strong as you are! Why, between October and March I went to over a hundred and fifty entertainments, besides the theaters and opera."

The jackal removed himself, at sound of it, about four yards in as many bounds, and every grizzled scrap of fur along his black back stood on end. If we had heard it, we should have reached for our rifle, and felt tingly all down our spine, for that was the sort of purr it was a horrible, hungry, suggestive, cruel, and blood-curdling sound of ghoulish pleasure.

When Kotick felt his skin tingle all over, Matkah told him he was learning the "feel of the water," and that tingly, prickly feelings meant bad weather coming, and he must swim hard and get away. "In a little time," she said, "you'll know where to swim to, but just now we'll follow Sea Pig, the Porpoise, for he is very wise."

Merlin stood there for a moment, deciding wisely not to worry about what was for the present only a possible futurity, and then he went into the back of the shop and invited Miss Masters to have supper with him at Pulpat's French Restaurant, where one could still obtain red wine at dinner, despite the Great Federal Government. Miss Masters accepted. "Wine makes me feel all tingly," she said.