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Bar none, it's the greatest instrument ever devised for integrating a man into all phases of his environment. Under the present routine a newly purchased tickler first goes to government and civilian defense for primary patterning, then to the purchaser's employer, then to his doctor-psycher, then to his local bunker captain, then to him.

They all agreed that this was a very sensible remark for a dying man, when the major, to their utter astonishment, again opened his lips, and with more vigor than before, muttered one of two sentences, which were all of Latin he had ever known in his life, "Apolla Majora canimus." "See, now!-what is this it is now?" interposed the learned Tickler.

Tickler with such intenseness that he turned pale, and repeated his question. Whereupon the prostrate patient again muttered, "Quantibus, moribus, canibus, ma dormebus." "Faith, and it's as good Latin as my man could speak, which is saying no little for him as a gentleman," said Mr. Tickler, with an air of much wisdom.

They had now got to the cover, Tickler Gorse, and ere the last horsemen had reached the last angle of the long hill, Frostyface was rolling about on foot in the luxuriant evergreen; now wholly visible, now all but overhead, like a man buffeting among the waves of the sea.

Tickler was inclined to look upon the castle as one of those he had so many times built of air, and declared that in addition to not having enough to buy a cigar, he had several times caught the landlord's eye, and knew that his bill was uppermost in his thoughts.

Your last letter is dated the 31st of May, whence I conclude that you submit to the labour of writing to me once a fortnight only. Matthew L. Davis. The lady of the then British Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States. Washington Irving The Corrector, by Toby Tickler. The election for governor; Morgan Lewis and Aaron Burr being the candidates.

It was the seventh revision of her third last will and testament, to speak by the card, for the widow had a bent for will-making, which the lawyer had noticed was of periodic intensity. Once, in a moment of drollery, he entered a jocose memorandum in the "tickler," under the first week-day of several successive months: "Revise Mrs.

Wordsworth often writes like an idiot; and never more so than when he said of Milton, 'His soul was like a star, and dwelt apart! For it dwelt in tumult, and mischief, and rebellion. Wordsworth is, in all things, the reverse of Milton, a good man, and a bad poet. "Tickler. What! that Wordsworth whom Maga cries up as the Prince of Poets? "North.

"Mr. Tickler will have great reason to complain if, in your position, you indulge such habits of idleness," she said. Therefore I conceive that I am justified in saying that in that encounter Mrs. Grantly was the conqueror. Don Quixote On the day on which Lucy had her interview with Lady Lufton the dean dined at Framley parsonage.

With Three Coil Loose Coupler. To construct a really good regenerative set you must use a loose coupled tuner that has three coils, namely a primary, a secondary and a tickler coil.