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Some one had shoved her along right underneath, so far as they could shove un. Cats don't make theyselves pillows for to die on. Shoved along, she were, when she was settin' for to be cold, laike." "Oh, yeou'm too clever to live, Fatty. Yeou go get wed an' taught some sense," said Lena, the affianced of Gumbly. "Larned a little 'fore iver some maidens was born.

Why, hunger and love, them's the fust things; them's the man an' the woman; them's the law unto theyselves, the animal, the instinct, the beast that's in us; the things that makes God excuse all else we do to get them we have to have 'em. He made us so; we have to have 'em it's His own doin'." "But," she said sweetly "suppose it meant another to be despised, reviled, made infamous."

An' in all de goin' on sixty-two yeahs of my life I ain't never seen no pusson callin' theyselves Affikins dat had dat kind of a sickly greenish-yaller-whitish complexion but whut trouble come pourin' frum 'em sooner or later, an' most gin'rally sooner, lak manna pourin' from de gourd of de Prophet Jonah. Dat man is a ravelin' wolf, ef ever I seen one."

'Likening theyselves to the quality, as though they was estated folk, or the like o' that! said Mrs Guffern. 'Well, if they likes it and madam likes it, they's welcome for me, said the farmer. 'Now I likes the place better, cause I be more at home like, and don't have to pay for them fine clothes for the missus.

"It houlds us both very comfortable, I can assure you, Mrs. O'Dwyer." "And he ain't rampageous and highty-tighty? He don't give hisself no airs?" "Well, no; nothing in particular. Why should the man be such a fool as that?" "Why, in course? But they are such fools, Father Bernard. They does think theyselves such grand folks. Now don't they?

I woulder read 'em a line of scripture and then talked honest dealing by one another, the measuring out of work according to the pay and always a little over, the putting of a shoulder under another man's pressing burden, the respect of women folks, the respect of theyselves and the looking to the Lord to see 'em through it all.

In times of disturbance like these here women oughter fix theyselves up so as ter 'tice the men ter eat a little at meal times. Ain't I done put on this white apron ter try and git that no 'count Jefferson jest ter take notice a little uv his vittals. Now go on, honey it's late."

I ain't never seen no Quakers, but they tell me that they don't b'lieve in flowerin' out; that they like coolness an' shade an' quiet, an' are jes the same the year round. These colea plants are the apes; they are all things to all men, take on any color that's round 'em, kin be the worst kind of Baptists or Presbyterians, but if left to theyselves they run back to good-fer-nothin's.

She started down the path, and Lovey Mary, somewhat overwhelmed by this oration, followed obediently. "These here are the Baptists," said Miss Viny, waving her hand toward a bed of heliotrope and flags. "They want lots of water; like to be wet clean through. They sorter set off to theyselves an' tend to their own business; don't keer much 'bout minglin' with the other flowers."

"What sort of girls are they?" "Sort o' queer." "Yes?" "Ye bet ye. Come from the city a while ago an' livin' by theyselves. Someth'n' wrong 'bout them gals," added Bub reflectively. "In what way?" asked the little man in a tone of interest. "They ain't here fer nuth'n' special 'cept watchin' the folks at Hillcrest. Them's the folks I belongs to. For four bits a week.