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The custom is common enough, but the real object is to preserve the skin, which the dry cold wind peels from the face. The pigment is mutton-fat, blackened, according to Tchebu Lama, with catechu and other ingredients; but I believe more frequently by the dirt of the face itself. An enormous ram attended the flock, whose long hair hung down to the ground; its back was painted red.

With these came letters on the Rajah's part from Tchebu Lama to the Lachen Phipun, ordering him to take me to the pass, but not specifying its position; fortunately, however, Dr. Campbell sent me a route, which stated the pass to be at Kongra Lama, several marches beyond this, and in the barren country of Tibet.

On the 6th of October we left Choongtam for my second visit to the Kongra Lama pass, hoping to get round by the Cholamoo lakes and the Donkia pass. As the country beyond the frontier was uninhabited, the Tchebu Lama saw no difficulty in this, provided the Lachen Phipun and the Tibetans did not object.

Campbell is ordered to appear at Durbar Lamas called to council Threats Searcity of food Arrival of Dewan Our jailer, Thoba-sing Temperature, etc., at Tumloong Services of Goompas Lepcha girl Jew's-harp Terror of servants Ilam-sing's family Interview with Dewan Remonstrances Dewan feigns sickness Lord Dalhousie's letter to Rajah Treatment of Indo-Chinese Concourse of Lamas Visit of Tchebu Lama Close confinement Dr.

Meet Campbell Vegetation and scenery Presents Visit of Dewan Characters of Rajah and Dewan Accounts of Tibet Lhassa Siling Tricks of Dewan Walk up Teesta Audience of Rajah Lamas Kajees Tchebu Lama, his character and position Effects of interview Heir-apparent Dewan's house Guitar Weather Fall of river Tibet officers Gigantic trees Neongong lake Mainom, ascent of Vegetation Camp on snow Silver fire View from top Kinchin, etc.

Tchebu Lama has received a handsome reward, and a grant of land at Dorjiling, where he resides, and whence he sends me his salaams by every opportunity. Leave Dorjiling for Calcutta Jung Bahadoor Dr. Falconer Improvements in Botanic Gardens Palmetum Victoria Amherstia Orchids spread by seed Banyan Cycas Importation of American plants in ice Return to Dorjiling Leave with Dr.

They were taken to Jigatzi, through Bhotan, by Phari; and I have been informed that they have become clothed with long hair, owing to the cold of the climate; but Tchebu Lama contradicted this, adding, that his countrymen were so credulous, that they would believe blankets grew on the elephants' backs, if the Lamas told them so.

On descending, I was surprised to meet the Singtam Soubah, whom I had not seen since leaving Tungu; he was seated on a rock, and I remarked that he looked ashy pale and haggard, and that he salaamed to me only, and not to Campbell; and that Tchebu Lama, who was with him, seemed very uncomfortable.

Tchebu Lama accompanied us, but we were not allowed to converse with him. We were now in the Soubahship of the Gangtok Kajee; a member of the oldest and most wealthy family in Sikkim; he had from the first repudiated the late acts of the Amlah, in which his brother had taken part, and had always been hostile to the Dewan.

Meepo was very glad to join my party again: he is a thorough Lepcha in heart, a great friend of his Rajah and of Tchebu Lama, and one who both fears and hates the Dewan.