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From the womb of Nut thou hast ruled the world and the underworld. Thy body is of bright and shining metal, thy head is of azure blue, and the brilliance of the turquoise encircleth thee. Grant thou that I may sail down to Tattu like a living soul, and up to Abtu like the phoenix; and grant that I may enter in and come forth from the pylons of the lands of the underworld without let or hindrance.

I am one of the great gods that fought on behalf of Osiris. Ra, the sun-God, commanded me Thoth to do battle on the earth for the wronged Osiris, and I obeyed. I am among them moreover who wait over Osiris, now king of the underworld. I am with Horus, son of Osiris, on the day when the great feast of Osiris is kept. I am the priest pouring forth libations at Tattu, I am the prophet in Abydos.

"Hail Tem-sep, who comest forth from Tattu, I have not fouled running water. "Hail Ari-em-ab-f, who comest forth from Tebti, I have not exalted my speech. "Hail Ahi, who comest forth from Nu, I have not uttered curses against God. "Hail Neheb-kau, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have not increased my wealth except by means of such things as are mine own possessions.

"Homage to thee in thy dominion over Tattu; the Ureret crown is stablished upon thy head; thou art the One who maketh the strength which protecteth himself, and thou dwellest in peace in Tattu. O grant thou unto me a path," etc. O grant thou unto me a path," etc. O grant," etc. O grant," etc. O grant," etc.