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Teichelmann, and Schurmann, German Missionaries to the Aborigines, will give an idea of the nature of the songs of the Adelaide tribe. KADLITPIKO PALTI. Pindi mai birkibirki parrato, parrato. CAPTAIN JACK'S SONG. The European food, the pease, I wished to eat, I wished to eat. MULLAWIRRABURKARNA PALTI. Natta ngai padlo ngaityarniappi; watteyernaurlo tappandi ngaityo parni tatti.

Teichelmann, and Schurmann, German Missionaries to the Aborigines, will give an idea of the nature of the songs of the Adelaide tribe. KADLITPIKO PALTI. Pindi mai birkibirki parrato, parrato. CAPTAIN JACK'S SONG. The European food, the pease, I wished to eat, I wished to eat. MULLAWIRRABURKARNA PALTI. Natta ngai padlo ngaityarniappi; watteyernaurlo tappandi ngaityo parni tatti.