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En lo moral, con especial don de Silencio, el ombre mas callado que sea conocido, si bien de singular agudeza en sus dichos, con estremo abstinente i templado, en la comida bevida, i sueño. de mucho secreto, verdad, i fidelidad: puntual en palabra i promessas; compuesto, poco onada risueño.

In the later division of the stone period, there were two tame races of the pig, according to Rutimeyer; one large, and derived from the wild boar, the other smaller, called the "marsh-hog," or Sus scrofa palustris. It may be asked how the osteologist can distinguish the tame from the wild races of the same species by their skeletons alone.

"Ha, bribon!" he said, pinching the burro's ears. "What is the use of wasting breath? Sus, sus, amigo!" The burro began to buck and Alejandro stepped back. As he did so he saw approaching him from behind the wagons a man in tattered garments, with a hat dragged over his eyes, and a great mass of furzy yellow beard. "Here, you!" said this person. "Oh, you're Mexican! Ya lo veo "

Ellas no van solamente a las iglesias sino a los espéctaculos públicos, a las fiestas populares, allí donde pueden ostentar la elegancia de sus trajes o satisfacer su curiosidad femenina.

Yop, or Jaap, or Jaaf, rose tottering, made a low obeisance, and then answered in the semi-respectful, semi-familiar manner of an old, confidential family servant, as the last existed among our fathers: "T'ank 'ee, Miss Dus, wid all my heart," he answered. "Pretty well to-day; but ole Sus, he fail, and grow ol'er and ol'er desp'ate fast!"

If she'd a satin frock on, i'stead o' this here poor cotton gownd, you'd ha' showed her t'other side o' your manners! Get away with you. You're too ugly to look at. Mattie! Mattie! Look up, child. Pol. She mustn't lie there. Mat. Susan! Pol. Come, my girl. Sus. You keep off, I tell you! Don't touch her. She's none o' your sort. Come, Mattie, dear. Why don't you make 'em move on? Pol.

Listen, then; it would be a sorry sight, a friend deserted, with his mouth open, and sus. per aures. Well, a very short survey of life had convinced me of the absurdity and meanness and insecurity that pervade all human objects, such as wealth, office, power.

Why come so late? why no come when 'e foot of Susquesus light as feather of bird? why stay away till pale-faces plentier dan leaf on tree, or snow in air? Hundred year ago, when dat oak little, sich Injin might be good; now, he good for nuttin'." "But you will keep our secret, Sus? will not even tell the negro who we are?" The Trackless simply nodded his head in assent.

There's a lady here says I'm a thief! Tho. Nea, that she connot say, Mattie! Thae cooms ov honest folk. Aw'll geet oop direckly. Mrs. C. If I have been unjust to you, Miss Pearson, I shall not fail to make amends. Sus. It's time you did then, ma'am. You've murdered her, and all but murdered me. That's how your little bill stands. Ger. Waterfield. Wat. You shall answer for this, Gervaise. Ger.

Penned he: 'Where did tute latcher 'em? 'A rye del 'em a mandy. So he pet em adree his poachy, an' pookered mandy, 'What'll tu lel to pi? 'A droppi levinor. So he penned, 'Pauli the grais prasters, I'll jal atut the puvius and dick tute. "Eight or nine divvuses pauli, at the K'allis's Gav, his pal welled to mandy and pookered mi Job sus naflo.