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Penned he: 'Where did tute latcher 'em? 'A rye del 'em a mandy. So he pet em adree his poachy, an' pookered mandy, 'What'll tu lel to pi? 'A droppi levinor. So he penned, 'Pauli the grais prasters, I'll jal atut the puvius and dick tute. "Eight or nine divvuses pauli, at the K'allis's Gav, his pal welled to mandy and pookered mi Job sus naflo.

"When a mush mullers, an' the juvas adree his ker can't kair habben because they feel so naflo 'bout the rom being gone, or the chavi or juvalo mush, or whoever it may be, then their friends for trin divvuses kairs their habben an' bitchers it a lende. An' that's tacho Rommanis, an' they wouldn't be dessen Rommany chuls that wouldn't kair dovo for mushis in sig an' tukli."

He got himself into a hopeless tangle in trying to explain the difference between wafro and naflo, or ill, until his mind finally refused to act on vessavo at all, and spasmodically rejected it. With all the patience of Job, and the meekness of Moses, I awaited my time, and finally obtained my information. The impatience of such minds in narrative is amusing.

I have spoken in another chapter of the deeply-seated faith of the English Gipsies in the evil eye. Subsequent inquiry has convinced me that they believe it to be peculiar to themselves. One said in my presence, "There was a kauli juva that dicked the evil yack ad mandy the sala my chavo's missis an' a'ter dovo I shooned that my chavo was naflo. A bongo-yacki mush kairs wafro-luckus.