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It is immaterial for us whether a multitude of doubtful forms be called species or sub-species or varieties; what rank, for instance, the two or three hundred doubtful forms of British plants are entitled to hold, if the existence of any well-marked varieties be admitted.

Woodwell said by the way, we must call and see him something or other that's in Revelation, neither cold nor hot. But of course that's a sub-species I may be a lukewarm anything.

For this species seems to have become differentiated into several species and sub-species, some of which are well marked, and all of which we do not as yet know much about. Merriam. Besides these, Mr. Hornaday has described Ovis fannini of Yukon Territory, about which little is known, and Dr.

Struthers, Dr., on the occurrence of the supra-condyloid foramen in the humerus of man. Sturnella ludoviciana, pugnacity of the male. Sturnus vulgaris. Sub-species. Suffering, in strangers, indifference of savages to. Suicide, formerly not regarded as a crime; rarely practised among the lowest savages. Suidae, stripes of the young.

But, besides such differences, all naturalists have admitted the existence of varieties, which they think sufficiently distinct to be worthy of record in systematic works. No one can draw any clear distinction between individual differences and slight varieties; or between more plainly marked varieties and sub-species, and species.

The supposed aboriginal stocks must all have been rock-pigeons, that is, they did not breed or willingly perch on trees. But besides C. livia, with its geographical sub-species, only two or three other species of rock-pigeons are known; and these have not any of the characters of the domestic breeds.

To account, upon these principles, for the gradual elimination and segregation of nearly allied forms such as varieties, sub-species, and closely-related or representative species also in a general way for their geographical association and present range, is comparatively easy, is apparently within the bounds of possibility. Could we stop here we should be fairly contented.

And I look at varieties which are in any degree more distinct and permanent, as steps toward more strongly marked and permanent varieties; and at the latter, as leading to sub-species, and then to species.

"But why?" asked Harold. "Well, to be absolutely frank, old top, I thought it was you." "You thought it was me? But why what did you want to lock me in for?" I hesitated. It was a delicate business telling him the idea. And while I was hesitating, Ann jumped in. "I can tell you why, Harold. It was because Reggie belongs to that sub-species of humanity known as practical jokers.

Certainly no clear line of demarcation has as yet been drawn between species and sub-species that is, the forms which in the opinion of some naturalists come very near to, but do not quite arrive at the rank of species; or, again, between sub-species and well-marked varieties, or between lesser varieties and individual differences.