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So then he tried a little calcium, aluminum, barium, and strontium, a little clear bitumen, and a half of a third of a sixteenth of a grain of arsenic. This gave rather a pretty color; but still Mrs. Peterkin ungratefully said it tasted of anything but coffee. The chemist was not discouraged.

In the experiments by Scripture are found some of the second type e.g., a red light recalled, through the vague memory of a flash of strontium light, a scene of an opera. It is clear that by its very nature mediate association can give rise to novel combinations.

Belladonna, one and one-half grains; Strontium bromide, four grains; Oil Theobromat, two drams. Use every night one such suppository, placed high up in the vagina until all signs of the difficulty are gone. VAGINITIS: Resorcine, forty grains; Salicylic acid, eight grains; Betanaphtholis, one grain; add enough water to make it eight ounces.

He constructed a series of batteries in various combinations, with which he attacked the "fixed alkalies," the composition of which was then unknown. Very shortly he was able to decompose potash into bright metallic globules, resembling quicksilver. This new substance he named "potassium." Then in rapid succession the elementary substances sodium, calcium, strontium, and magnesium were isolated.

Avenues opened in all directions, lined on both sides with these wonderful houses, which are made of a peculiar stone, veined intermittently with yellow, which has the property of absorbing and emitting light. "It is indeed a phosphori as, if I recall it aright, the sulphides of barium, strontium, and calcium were upon our earth.

"What are the chemicals for and the tank and hose attachment?" "Think, Mr. Gilland." "I can't; I'm almost stunned by what you tell me." He laughed. "The rosium oxide and salts of strontium are to be dumped into the tank together. They'll effervesce, of course." "Of course," I muttered. "And I can throw a rose-colored spray over any object by the hose attachment, can't I?" "Yes."

He will recognize it by the color; because strontium gives a red light which nothing else will give. Here are some of these lightning papers, as they are called; they are very pretty and very harmless; and these, too, give brilliant red flashes as I throw them. The red tint has, no doubt, been produced by strontium also.

Considered as mere curiosities, these discoveries were interesting, but aside from that they were of great theoretical importance, because they showed the compound nature of some familiar chemicals that had been regarded as elements. Several other elementary earths met the same fate when subjected to the electrical influence; the metals barium, calcium, and strontium being thus discovered.

Common salt, for example, is a compound of chlorine and sodium; in the electric lamp it yields the spectrum of the metal sodium. The chlorides of copper, lithium, and strontium yield, in like manner, the bands of these metals.

Hydrogen, helium, and calcium are their chief constituents. "Flame-prominences," on the other hand, show, in addition, the characteristic rays of a number of metals, among which iron, titanium, barium, strontium, sodium, and magnesium are conspicuous.