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The skin that the splasher wears will make you a lucky man. It will make anybody lucky and you may tell your people that it is so. "'Now go, for it is nearly day and we must sleep. "The young-man took his bow and arrow and the stick the white Beaver had given him and started on his journey. All the day he travelled, and far into the night.

"I don't mind telling you that it is a part of the new policy," returned the social splasher, still smiling. "We are out to make friends this time; good, solid, open-eyed friends who will know just what we are doing and why we are doing it." "H'm," mused the senator, "so publicity's the new word, is it?" "Yes; publicity is the word.

The wash-stand bears the regulation "toilet set," bowl and pitcher, soap-dish, etc., with the china jar set in the corner. Plenty of damask towels hang on the rack, and the "splasher" is a marvel of needlework. Well, is not this a pretty comfortable room? It seems ungracious to answer nay; but truth compels me to say that it proves to be a most uncomfortable room, as managed.

"Ha! ha!" laughed Dorothy, "Nellie got the first tumble." And then the waves kept dashing in so quickly that there was no more chance for conversation. Freddie ducked under as every wave came, but Flossie was not always quick enough, and it was very hard for her to keep hold of the ropes when a big splasher dashed against her.

I showed Mr. Holcombe the splasher, dotted with ink as usual. "I'll take it off and soak it in milk," I said. "It's his fountain pen; when the ink doesn't run, he shakes it, and " "Where's the clock?" said Mr. Holcombe, stopping in front of the mantel with his note-book in his hand. "The clock?" I turned and looked. My onyx clock was gone from the mantel-shelf.

"Come back in an hour or so," he snapped, and tried to close the door. But I had got my toe in the crack. "I'll have to have the piano moved, Mr. Ladley," I said. "You'd better put off what you are doing." I thought he was probably writing. He spent most of the day writing, using the wash-stand as a desk, and it kept me busy with oxalic acid taking ink-spots out of the splasher and the towels.

She could hardly wait to get her hat and coat off, but would come tearing into the studio, pulling off her wraps as she came, hair flying, cheeks glowing, looking very like Brer Rabbit, Molly declared, when he ran down the hill with the six tin plates fer the chillun to sop outen; and the six tin cups fer the chillun to drink outen; the coffee pot fer the fambly; and the hankcher fer hisself, hollerin': "Gimme room, gimme room". They gave her room, all right, especially if her medium happened to be water color, as Judy was a grand splasher and spared neither water nor paint.

At this tree, you must turn down the stream and keep on travelling without rest, until you hear a splashing in the water near you. When you hear the splashing, you must shoot this arrow at the sound. Shoot quickly, for if you do not you can never have any good luck. If you do as I have told you the splasher will be killed and you must then take his hide and wear it always.

I went in, as you say, and I put up an old splasher, because of the way he throws ink about. Then I wound the clock, put the key under it, and went out." "And the key is gone, too!" he said thoughtfully. "I wish I could find that clock, Mrs. Pitman." "So do I." "Ladley went out Sunday afternoon about three, didn't he and got back at five?" I turned and looked at him. "Yes, Mr. Howell," I said.

Maria led the way to the spare-room on the second floor, a large square room furnished in old-fashioned country style: a rag carpet, rag rugs, heavy black walnut bureau and wash-stand, the latter with an antique bowl and pitcher of pink and white, and a splasher of white linen outlined in turkey red cotton.