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It was proof of the guide's woodcraft that he was able to come thus close before being detected by Timon, who advanced threateningly toward him. A word, however, from the lieutenant stayed the dog. "Well, Vose," said the young man, "this is unexpected." "So I jedge and I've a 'spicion that you ain't tickled half to death to see me."

"I saw yer stop to camp this morning a good ways up the pass, whar yer cooked yer piece of antelope meat, and swallowed enough to last yer for a week." "It was you that shot the grizzly bear just as he was going to kill me?" inquired Fred, with a pleased look in the scarred face of the scout, who smiled in turn as he answered: "I have a 'spicion it war me and nobody else."

"As de war was still being fit, we was forced to separate, cause a lot of us would cause spicion, traipsing 'bout do country. Me I took off southward and way from de war belt, traveling as far as Saint Augustine. It was a dangerous journey, as anybody was liable to pick me off for a runaway slave. I was forced to hide in de day time if I was near a settlement and travel at night.

Jim Pink was slightly taken aback; then he said: "'Spicion; nothin' but 'spicion." "Yeah, 'spicion," growled the Persimmon; "'spicion an' de husban' leadin' a irreg'lar life." Jim Pink looked at his companion, curiously. "The husban' leadin' a irreg'lar life?" "Yeah," the Persimmon nodded grimly, "the husban' comin' home at onexpected hours. You know whut I means, Jim Pink."

Sniffing danger, Bedney warily resolved to decline all overtures, by taking refuge in his decrepitude; but the attorney's steady prolonged gaze disconcerted him. "You have no interest, then, in discovering the wretch who murdered your master? That is rather suspicious." "What ain't 'spicious to you, Mars Lennox? It comes as natchal to you to 'spicion folks, as to eat or sleep, and it's your trade.

It was the loose-knitted figure of young Tamarack Spicer. "In course," Spicer was saying, "we don't 'low Samson shot Jesse Purvy, but them Hollmans'll 'spicion him, an' I heered just now, thet them dawgs was trackin' straight up hyar from the mouth of Misery. They'll git hyar against sundown." Samson leaped violently forward.

Lord! how you did scare me!" "Compose yourself, Joe, and tell me what you are doing here at this time of the morning." "Oh, Marse Lyon, sir, I came arter the housekeeping truck as you left here, which I couldn't get a chance to fetch it before, 'cause I was afraid o' 'citin' 'spicion." "And have you the things in that cart?" "Yes, Marse."

Daphne, who had just been coaxed into filling a basket with a generous supply of cold victuals, pretended not to hear until he repeated his question. Then she stopped pounding long enough to say, sharply, "Whuffo' you alluz 'spicion dem boys so evahlastin'ly, Unc' Henry? Lak enough dee's settin' a rabbit trap. Boys has done such things befo'. You's done it yo'se'f, hasn't you?"

"Wal, you wouldn't 'spicion what a trick French Pete and Dick was trying to play on me. It was the idea of Pete, but Dick promised to do his part. Pete agreed to let Dick have a whole keg of his best or rather worst whiskey without charging him a cent. He was to take it with us, with the sole purpose of getting me into the habit of drinking again.

"Kinder stranger in this country, hain't ye, Jim?" drawled the boy who lived there, and the question brought a sullen flush to the other's cheekbones. "Jest a-passin' through," he vouchsafed. "I reckon ye'd find the wagon road more handy," suggested Samson. "Some folks might 'spicion ye fer stealin' long through the timber." The skulking traveler decided to lie plausibly. He laughed mendaciously.