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" Why, replied Jack, 'it's agreed to put a coal in the thatch, in the first place; and although they were afeared to name what he's to get besides, I doubt they'll make a spatchcock of himself. They won't meddle with any other of the family, though but he's down for it. "'Are you to be one of them? asked Mick.

We asked him if he would do us the honour to share our breakfast: whereupon he nodded. "To tell you the truth, I was about to suggest it myself. Eh? What have we? Grilled kidneys? Good." I called to the waiter to fetch another dish of kidneys. "And a spatchcock," added our guest. "They're famous, here, for spatchcock. And, yes, I think we'll say an anchovy toast. Tea?

Chicken for breakfast, chicken for dinner, chicken yesterday, chicken to-morrow, toujours chicken, sometimes curried, sometimes roasted, torn asunder and made into soup, stew or cutlets, or with extended wing forming the elegant spatchcock, it is still chicken; the greatest and rarest change being that it is occasionally rather tender.

It was not for want of having it expounded to them, for their military attache "'im with the spatchcock on 'is 'elmet," as I heard him described by a British orderly missed nothing of what occurred, as is evident from their official history of the war.

But although the Anglo-Indian did ample justice to the luncheon, and washed down a spatchcock and a lobster-salad with several glasses of iced Moselle, the reprobate ate and drank very little, and sat for the best part of the time crumbling his bread in a strange absent manner, and watching his companion's face.

Supper was ready for us kalo, yams, spatchcock, poi, coffee, rolls, and Oregon kippered salmon; and when I told Halemanu that the spatchcock and salmon reminded me of home, he was quite pleased, and said he would provide the same for breakfast to-morrow.