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«En effet si l'on considère les montagnes et les collines qui par leurs couches et les corps étrangers qu'elles renferment, montrent sans équivoque qu'elles sont l'ouvrage des eaux, on les trouvera le plus souvent rangées sans ordre. Quelquefois elles ne paroissent que des monceaux posés ç

I am very sensible that, at your age, 'vous y entrez pour peu de chose, et meme souvent pour rien, et que vous y passerez meme quelques mauvais quart-d'heures'; but no matter; you will be a solid gainer by it: you will see, hear, and learn the turn and manners of those people; you will gain premature experience by it; and it will give you a habit of engaging and respectful attentions.

"'L'exemple souvent n'est qu'un miroir trompeur; Quelquefois l'un se brise ou l'autre s'est sauve, Et par ou l'un perit, un autre est conserve,"* answered Dubois, out of "Cinna." * "Example is often but a deceitful mirror, where sometimes one destroys himself, while another comes off safe; and where one perishes, another is preserved." "Corneille is right," rejoined the Regent.

The number bears its due proportion to that of the pictures, and the same reasons which induced me to say little of them, will prevent my dilating on the excellence of the statues Et la meilleure chose, on la gâte souvent. Pour la vouloir outrer, et pousser trop avant.

He tells you neither how he came by his reasons, nor their conclusion, 'le plus fou souvent est le plus satisfait. Consequently, if less tedious than the English, your reasoners are more dangerous, and ought rather to be considered as models of terseness than of reflection. A man might learn to think sooner from your writers, but he will learn to think justly sooner from ours.

"Ils leur ont fourni pendant plus de 35 ans le simple nécessaire, sans élever la fortune d'aucun, ils leur ont fourni ce nécessaire souvent

I went and fetched it from my bedroom when I put on my hat. Robert read it aloud: "TRAVELLER'S CLUB "Sunday night. "'Souvent femme varie fol qui se fie! Hope you found your variation worth while! "What dam cheek!" he said, in his old way. He hasn't used any "ornaments to conversation" since we have been oh, I want to say it engaged! Then his eyes flashed.

He put it back with a decided gesture of his hand, and, leaning over her, whispered something in her ear. I don't know how they arranged it; but Miss Raymond wore the turquoises at the next county ball the ring, to her dying day. "Souvent femme varie; Bien fol est, qui s'y fie." We sat by the firelight in the old library of Kerton Manor.

It always happens, somehow, that the very tome you want to consult is that which has fallen among borrowers. Even Panurge, who praised the race of borrowers so eloquently, could scarcely have found an excuse for the borrowers of books. "Tel est le triste sort de tout livre prete, Souvent il est perdu, toujours il est gate."

A request from the lips of a king is a command; all exerted themselves therefore to keep up a gay and animated conversation, and to seem thoughtless and unoccupied. Frederick seated himself at the table, and read once more the poem of Voltaire, which was as follows: "Souvent un pen de verite Se mele au plus grossier mensonge.