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"See here, you bumble-bee," he bellowed; "you and I have got an account to settle before you get away from me. What do you mean by coming flopping on to my farm and breaking my pig-pen?" "Aber, I didn't come, der Grasshobber bring me " expostulated Schmidt, "I vould much rather have been somevere else. I don't like pork except mit sauerkraut."

Come now; eat, an' ve vill go to vork again. Ve must certainly find zee bootterflies somevere before night." But Verkimier was wrong.

Come now; eat, an' ve vill go to vork again. Ve must certainly find zee booterflies somevere before night." But Verkimier was wrong.

It was the one kind of desire that the Baron never even tried to wrestle with. “My vriend Bonker,” said he, “is it not somevere about time for loncheon, eh?” “I should say it was precisely the hour.” “Ha, ha! zen, let us gom and eat. Himmel, zis sea is ze fellow to make von hungry!”

"None waster, sir! Wast is the werry vord for it." "Do you think this is a case of suicide or murder?" enquired Anthony. "Can't say, sir. But somevun's allvays bein' murdered, murderin' or goin' for to murder somevun, somevere or t'other." "Sounds cheery!" murmured Anthony. "Do you catch many murderers?" "Pretty fair, sir, pretty fair.

Mary Magna done it, and she's took him avay somevere." "Good Lord!" I exclaimed; and before my mind's eye flashed another headline: FAIR FILM STAR FREES LOVE-CULT PROPHET I promised to try to find out about the prophet at once. "He won't get away," I said, "because he doesn't ride in automobiles, and he and Mary can't walk very far on the street without the newspapers finding them!"