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A. de M. Smythers was brusque with his inferiors, and in this he made a mistake. Instead of listening to all that Blinky Bill said, and disbelieving it at his leisure, he stopped his talk. "If you want to sell this pony, dry up," he said. "I don't believe a word you say, and it only worries me to hear you lying." Fatal mistake! You should never stop a horse-dealer's talk.

He already had nearly everything a child could want; but one morning a bright inspiration struck Algy's father. Algy should have a pony. With Mr. Smythers to think was to act. He was not a man who believed in allowing grass to grow under his feet. His motto was, "Up and be doing somebody." So he put an advertisement in the paper that same day. "Wanted, a boy's pony.

He was unbeatable. He lived in comfort, not to say luxury. He had champagne for breakfast every morning, and his wife always slept with a pair of diamond earrings worth a small fortune in her ears. It is things like these that show true gentility. Though they had been married many years, the A. de M. Smythers had but one child a son and heir.

Sausage II. must be sold. With heavy heart Bill led the pony down to be inspected. He saw Mr. Algernon de Montgomery Smythers, and measured him with his eye. He saw it would be no use to talk about racing to him, so he went on the other track.

Author of "Flogged for a Furlong", "Won by a Winker", etc., etc. Algernon de Montgomery Smythers was a merchant, wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice. Other merchants might dress more lavishly, and wear larger watch chains; but the bank balance is the true test of mercantile superiority, and in a trial of bank balances Algernon de Montgomery Smythers represented Tyson at seven stone.

And call him anything you like, but never say you doubt his word. Both these things Mr. Smythers did; and, though he bought the pony at a high price, yet the insult sank deep into the heart of Blinky Bill. As the capitalist departed leading the pony, Blinky Bill muttered to himself, "Ha! ha! Little does he know that he is leading Sausage II., the greatest 13.2 pony of the century.