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"Another day here," he said, "with bunches of people buttin' in and slobberin' over me, and I'm a dead one. Besides! it was all Lucien; I'm no bloomin' hero." Lucien was sick of it too, but, because his injuries were the more serious, he had perforce to stay a little longer in the hospital. The presentation of the watches was made in the mayor's office one week after the fire.

Will ye take a drop o' rye? I'm boss here. That's only my chore-boy you're slobberin' over, Mister Devil. Eh, but it's hunky down to Coney Island, ain't it?" These remarks came in a jerky sort of torrent from the second man, one of whose peculiarities was that his arms above the elbow were lashed with leather thongs to his body.

Paul and Jim did not say a word until the door was fastened and they were left to the darkness. Then it was Jim who unburdened himself. "Paul," he said, "did you ever see a panther gittin' ready to jump? Notice how his eyes turn a yellery-green, 'cause he thinks he's goin' to git what he wants right away? Notice how his mouth is slobberin' 'cause he thinks he's goin' to hev his dinner on the spot.

Bah, I spit! In my Quebec we lak our frien's to come. We treat. All is theirs. Bah, I spit again." Jean looked slightly abashed. Then Ambrose chimed in. "Out of the durned way, froggy," he said, swinging Pierre aside by the shoulder, "you don't understand our ways, I guess. Ther' ain't no slobberin' wi' white folk. Here you, Vic, hold out yer hand, man, and shake wi' Jean.

Das not difficult to do, but I'll neber forgib you if you go slobberin' like dat, an' dirtyin' my face wid your black cheeks. Dar now, I's got to polish you up again!" This "polishing up," it may be remarked, was a duty which Sally was called on to perform rather frequently, in consequence of Hester's inveterate tendency to think of her father and shed tears!

He snooped and grabbed and fumbled, and every minute he was gittin' madder and madder, a-suckin' and slobberin' like a calf tryin' to draw milk out of the hired man's thumb, and a-gruntin' and groanin' somethin' awful. "Well, I see my finish in about a minute if he ever got good an' woke up, so I resolved to do somethin' desprit.

That slobberin' an' kissin' business, an' the Mong Brav Conkerin' 'Ero may be all right for a lot o' bloomin' Frenchies that don't know better " He took a long swig of tea. "Though, mind you," he resumed, "I haven't a bad word to fit to a Frenchman. They're real good fighting stuff, an' they ain't arf the light-'earted an' light-'eaded grinnin' giddy goats I used to take 'em for."

When I come back, de ole house was in flames, an' eberybody gone what wasn't dead. I hollered ay, till I was a'most busted but nobody reply. Den I bury de dead ones, an' I've hoed about eber since slobberin' an' wringin' my hands." "Was our old clerk among the slain?" asked Lawrence. "No, massa, but I tinks he's a dead one now, for he too ole to run far."

"That tells the hull story, Theodore, I could throw statistics at you till you wuz black and blue, about our country spendin' for what is useless and ruinous to soul, body and estate, one billion four hundred millions a year, and about the hundred thousand drunkards that stumble along into the staggerin' slobberin' ranks every year, and drop into the drunkard's grave.

It was Elia. With a rush she was at the door, and the next moment she dragged the boy in, and was crooning over him like some mother over a long-lost child. But the boy pushed her away roughly. His calm face and gentle eyes now shone with excitement, one of those excitements she so dreaded in him. "Quit, sis," he cried sharply. "I ain't no use fer sech slobberin'. I ain't a kid. Say "