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Then she turned on the kitchen maid. "Wot was it he said about my char-ac-ter?" she demanded warmly. "An' wot are you grinnin' at? If it wasn't for your peepin' an' pryin' I'd never ha' set eyes on that blessed picter. You go an' put on a black dress, an' do yer hair respectable, an' mind yer don't spend half an hour perkin' an' preenin' in front of a lookin'-glass."

It's turrible when a decent ship gets an appetite for alcohol. Here she lies! Shame and propriety forgotten! Immodestly exposed to grinnin' heathens!" "You let the Helen Mar alone," I says pretty mad. "She ain't so bad as drowned corpses riding mules."

Any one would think that things had all busted, got turned bottom side upward, and it was the bally old sun that was up there, grinnin' at them, through the hole he'd made. "The idea!" said Winny; but she laughed at it, a little shrill and irresistible titter of delight always, as he was to learn, her homage to "ideas."

'Come out of that, says I, 'and tell me if dead or alive I am. He got up, and there was the noise soft and grand again, but with it now the voices of men, the flip of birds' wings and the sighin' of tree tops, and behind all that the long wash of a sea like none I ever heard.... 'Well, says I to the Injin grinnin' before me, 'what's that, in the name o' Moses? 'That, says he, laughin' slow in me face, 'is the Tall Master him that brought you to the camp. Thin I remimbered all the things that's been said of him, and I knew it was music I'd been hearin' and not children's voices nor anythin' else at all.

"Thank ye, Miss; my arm does ache considerable; of course, if you'd jest as soon dress it Oh, no! I'm no braver'n anybody else, I guess. Nice of ye to say so, anyhow," and he went grinnin' out into the kitchen with the girls to fix up his arm.

Trenholme, the gentleman stannin' there grinnin' like a Cheshire cat. Talk to him nicely, an' p'raps he'll paint your picter, an' then your special butcher boy will see how beautiful you reelly are." "Jim don't need tellin' anything about that," said the girl, smiling, for Eliza's bark was notoriously worse than her bite. "Jim!" came the snorting comment.

"The boy's clever with the spade, I'll say," adds Nick. "Let's all turn out tomorrow morning and watch him. He does it regular, they tell me." I grinned back at 'em as convincin' as I could. For somehow I wasn't just in the mood for grinnin'. My head was achin' more or less, and my back hurt, and my palms were sore. By noon I was a wreck. Absolutely.

'I've always one about me, says the divil, 'to obleege my frinds, says he; and with that he pulls out a rope made of sand, sure enough. 'Oh, it's game you're makin', says the colonel, growin' as white as a sheet. 'The game is mine, sure enough, says the owld fellow, grinnin', with a terrible laugh. 'That's not a sand-rope at all, says the colonel.

Don't s'pose he understood half of 'em, but he could see plain enough I was spittin' mad. He'd kind o' edge up to me, grinnin' like and noddin', and fust thing I knew, one day, he'd fetched a pill and made me take it. I was mad enough to 'a' killed him easy, but 'fore I could get up to do it, I fell asleep somehow. And when I woke up I felt different. You feel different, don't you?"

"'I've got wan, sez he, grinnin', 'big as you, Mulvaney, an' fair half as ugly. Let me go get another. "I was dishpleased at the personability av that remark, so I tucks him under my arm an' carries him to Crook who was watchin' how the fight wint. Crook cuffs him till the bhoy cries, an' thin sez nothin' for a whoile. "The Paythans began to flicker onaisy, an' our men roared. 'Opin ordher!