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For some raison or other I've the wish in me mind I was slingin' the whole of it into one of thim bog-houles out there and that 'ud be no thing to go do on her.... And that was a quare story the ould woman had about thim gettin' married. Somebody was apt to be makin' a fool of her. Who was it would be tellin' her I won'er?"

"Ingalls!" he addressed one of them "I'm given tu undhershtand that yuh an' Chuck Reed there tuk charge av this feller " he indicated the prisoner "last night, whin he had that racket wid Larry Blake in th' bar? Fwhat was they rowin' over?" "That hawss o' Blake's mostly," was Ingalls' laconic answer. "Course they was slingin' everythin' else they could dig down an' drag up, too."

"For years I suffered cruelly, an' then I was persuaded to carry a new pertater in me pocket, an' I've never 'ad ache or pain since; though gettin' cured, to my mind, depends on the sort of life you've led." Mrs Green, a woman with a past, flushed heavily. "'Oo are yer slingin' off at?" she cried. "You and yer new pertater. I'd smack yer face for two pins," and she walked out of the shop.

If he wasn't as fast as me in slingin' his gun, why, he oughtn't to have taken no chance. He'd have been plumb safe if he'd have forgot all about his gun. I don't reckon that I'd have pined away with sorrow if I hadn't shot him." She was much impressed with his earnestness, and she looked quickly at him, nearly convinced.

"What you want?" he asked. "What you mean? Slingin' criticism ever since you came on this ship! What you mean by it? Heh? What you mean?" Staniford rose, and Lydia gave a start. He cast an angry look at her. "Do you think I'd hurt him?" he demanded. Hicks went on: "Sorry, very sorry, 'larm a lady, specially lady we all respec'. But this particular affair. Touch touches my honor.

"The' ain't no sense in your slingin' mud that way," sez I. "The' 's lots of men 'at wouldn't steal, if they had a chance." "If I ruin my constitution through depravity, is it stealin'?" sez he. "No," sez I, "it's darn foolishness."

I liked all about the kid and the corn and the ten cheeses, and killin' the lion and bear, and slingin' old Goliath dead first shot. I want to know about Joseph next time, for I saw a gang of robbers puttin' him in a hole, and it looked real interesting."

Three men were lying up against a garden wall. We asked them for news. They could not tell us much, except that the Germans were still advancing. "We was at Dickebusch when 'e started slingin' stuff over gorblimy, 'e don't 'alf wallop yer umpteen of our mates got bleed'n' well biffed. We cleared out afore it got too 'ot."

I knows the steeve o' that bowsprit too well to be mistook as to what that brig is. She's the Shark; and we shall have the pleasure of slingin' our hammicks aboard of her to-night!"

They could just see themselves workin' on the log-cabin quilt for the next sale, and slingin' out little reminders like, 'Land sakes! What we're talkin' about reminds me of what Etta and me saw when we was in the Congressional Libr'ry. YOU remember that, Etta? And that would be Etta's hint to look cute and giggle and say, 'Well!