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"The master-at-arms told me, sir, as how I wer fur to see as these novices wos slung their hammicks propingly," replied Larrikins glibly. "An' I wer jist a-seein' to do it, sir."

"Hozy, me and you will have our hammicks slung out front here when the show starts and do our shootin' prone. Suits me fine. Put it up to the chief, Renzo." Lourenço did.

They wore working away, sir, last night at some of the b'ys' hammicks; and one of 'em yelled out that they was nibblin' their toes!" "Oh!" cried the captain, "we must put a stop to that. My dog here is a good ratter, and I think he'll be able to polish off a few for you. Where do you think, Tarbolt, the brutes hang out?"

A dollar's worth av sugar, maybe, an' a fifty-poun' sack av flour, an' maybe a roll av butter an' a table full of nicknacks which they could do without an' winter comin' on like the lope av a coyote after a rabbit, an' them no better prepared than the rabbit, ner so, fer the rabbit's maybe got a hole he can duck inty an' they have nawthin' but the summer camp they've made, an' hammicks, by gorry, whin they should have warrm overshoes an' sourdough coats!

Ha! that's all right; I reckoned I should find you two young gen'lemen here, safe enough. Now, you two, just slip into your hammicks again as fast as you knows how, and stay there until I gives you leave to get out of 'em." "Why, what is the matter, Ned? What is all the row about?" asked Courtenay, with wide-staring, horrified eyes.

"Now," he continued, seeing that we evinced a strong disinclination to return to our hammocks, "you just tumble into them hammicks and lie down, quick; you couldn't do a morsel of good, e'er a one of yer, if you was out there on deck you'd only get hurted or, mayhap, killed outright, and I've been specially told off to come here and see as neither of yer gets into trouble; you've both been good kindly lads, you especial, Muster Lascelles you've never had your eyes open to notice any little shortcomin's or skylarkin's on the part of the men, nor your tongues double-hung for to go and report 'em, so the lads is honestly anxious as you sha'n't come to no harm in this here rumpus."

Whin th' picnic got as far as Punch, on th' southern coast iv Porther Ricky, Gin'ral Miles gazes out, an' says he, 'This looks like a good place to hang th' hammicks, an' have lunch, says he. 'Forward, brave men, says he, 'where ye see me di'mon's sparkle, says he. 'Forward, an' plant th' crokay ar-rches iv our beloved counthry, he says.

I knows the steeve o' that bowsprit too well to be mistook as to what that brig is. She's the Shark; and we shall have the pleasure of slingin' our hammicks aboard of her to-night!"

"Did ye say them guys had a trick of jabbin' men in their hammicks at night, Renzo?" was Tim's significant question after the Indians had departed. "Have no fear," Lourenço assured him. "They have promised to take us safely to their chief." "How much is the word of a cannibal worth?" asked Knowlton. "Worth everything, so long as you do nothing to make them forget it, senhor.