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Shrimpton and Mary, Nathaniel Coffin and wife and John, and a hundred of Ruth's acquaintances were on the wharf preparing to go on board the ships. "This is what has come from Sam Adams's meddling," said Mr. Shrimpton. "May the Devil take him and John Hancock. They ought to be hanged, and I hope King George will yet have a chance to string 'em up curse 'em!

Shrimpton, by whose hands the man was killed, never appeared one whit more uneasy when the sermon on murder was peculiarly preached on his account, but on the contrary talked and jested with his companions as he was wont to do.

After supper the girls clear away the dishes; then we push the table into one corner of the kitchen, Julius Cæsar mounts it with his fiddle, and we dance jigs and quicksteps. The girl who first found a red ear while husking, and was kissed before she could throw it into the basket, is privileged to lead the dance." "How I should enjoy it," said Miss Shrimpton.

It was a heinous affair not mere larceny to be punished by standing in the pillory, or sitting in the stocks, or tied up to the whipping-post and flogged, but an offense which, if it could be proved, would send every one of the marauders to jail for ten or twenty years. Now I don't want the name of Shrimpton mixed up with that of Brandon. So you can cut Tom adrift." "But, father"

When Governor Leverett died, in 1679, the bearers carried banners. The principal men of the town bore the armor of the deceased, from helmet to spur, and the Governor's horse was led with banners. The funeral-recording Sewall has left us many a picture of the pomp of burial. Colonel Samuel Shrimpton was buried "with Arms" in 1697, "Ten Companies, No Herse nor Trumpet but a horse Led.

"We are not allowed to select jurors. The law takes away our right to assemble in town meeting, except by permission, and then we can only elect selectmen to look after town affairs," said Tom. "The people have shown they are not fit to govern themselves," said Mr. Shrimpton. "They allow the mob to run riot. It was a mob that smashed Chief Justice Hutchinson's windows.

Perhaps they think it would not be dignified on the part of the gentlemen to devote the afternoons to gossip," Robert replied. "Do not the young ladies meet?" Miss Shrimpton asked. "Not as do our mothers, but they have their own good times, their quilting parties. In the country every girl as soon as she can sew begins to make patchwork.

It was natural that Berinthia and Abraham Duncan, who had put his heart into his work while carving her features, should sit side by side, and that Tom Brandon and Mary Shrimpton should desire to be tucked under the same bearskin. It was a pleasure to Roger Stanley to ask Miss Walden to keep him company. "They have decided, Mr.

They were in the stifling cabin, the departing loyalists sitting as in a daze, stupefied, stunned by the sudden calamity, wondering if it were not a horrid dream. To Mary Shrimpton and Ruth Newville it was no phantom, no hallucination, but a reality, an exigency, demanding calm reflection, wise judgment, and prompt, decisive action. They had talked it over, each in the other's confidence.

Her quick insight, and acquaintance with her father's surly temper, enabled her to see what was withholden from Tom's slower perception. "Mary," said Mr. Shrimpton, after Tom took his departure, "I want you to stop having anything to do with Tom." "Why, father?" "Because I don't like him." "But I do like him." "No matter. He's an enemy to the king.