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'There's all the jolliness of the riding. And shooting's different. There's the cleverness of aiming well, and papa says that when a bird's killed straight off, it's the easiest death it could have. 'It's bad shots that make them suffer most, said Archie. 'But I say, Jus, where are you going to. It must be nearly six. Have you finished your lessons?

The lad was sorely grieved at this, because he would have liked to remain to the end; but after all, he was only a private, and he was there simply to give his evidence. "Shooting's too good for him," thought Tom as he left the room. "What a look he did give me! If a look could murder a man I should not be alive now!"

Compared with what actually happened in there, a bomb would have been a picnic. There's not a living person left in the whole place." "Not a hold on there, Cap! Do you know how many were working?" "They're all dead," Taylor said. Briefly he outlined what he had seen in the plant. "Norden, the blankety-blank!" Masters swore. "Shooting's too good for him."

Motteux evidently thinks the nearest way to my heart is down my throat. Rather to my surprise, my mother handed the letter to me with evident signs of embarrassment and distress. My first exclamation was: 'How jolly! The shooting's first rate, and the old boy is over seventy, if he's a day. My mother apparently did not see it in this light.

Can't this trouble be adjusted here and now?" Coleman accepted the situation. He saw that opposition forces had been active. "We are tired of outlawry and assassination, Governor," he answered. "We've determined to endure them no longer. Street shooting's got to stop!" "I agree with you," the Governor admitted. "I've come down from Sacramento to aid.

But it'll take a deal of thought to upset Lablache's last move, without shootin'." "Um shooting's an evil, but sometimes necessary. What's his racket?" The girl told her story quickly. She forgot nothing. She never allowed herself to fall into the womanly mistake of omitting details, however small. Bill fully appreciated her cleverness in this direction. He could trust what she said implicitly.

"Well, why would our esteemed colleague commit suicide, just at this time?" Karen Hilquist asked. "Maybe plutonium poisoning." Farida suggested. "He was doing something in the radiation-lab and got some Pu in him, and of course, shooting's not as painful as that. So " "Oh, my dear!" Suzanne protested. "That but stinks!

"There seems to me," I said, "to be very little damage done. Don't they usually kill each other in battles?" "The shooting's damned bad," said Bland, "damned bad on both sides. I never saw worse. I wonder if they mean to shoot straight." Bob's men, I think, were doing their best; but they were certainly making very bad practice.

"What right have they to blow us up? or steal a girl? or counterfeit our money? or darn near shoot my finger off and then laugh at me? To hell with rights! We've got more than that scoundrel has, if we haven't any!" Gates got up with an oath. "Yes," he said, "and shoot out my searchlight! No, Professor, I'd say the shooting's already begun.

"The sneak!" spoke up another, "shooting's too good for him." "Hanging would be better," remarked a third. "Shooting'd be a cinch." In the meantime the rest of the men had arrived, among whom was Pritchen, and joined in the conversation. There were several miners in the room calmer than the rest, of whom Caribou Sol was one.