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Considering that the total number of Germans captured in the Cameroons is only equal to the number of civilians murdered or wounded in British towns by Zeppelin bombs, at a cost of hundreds of thousands of pounds to the German Government, one begins to wonder whether Norden and his countrymen possess any sense of proportion.

In Scawen's time folk were wont to take their hurts thither on Corpus Christi evening, drink of the water, deposit an offering, and repose upon the chapel floor till dawn. Then, drinking again, they departed whole, if faith sufficiently mighty had supported them. Norden remarks of the water that "its fame was great for the supposed vertue of healinge, which St.

A submarine engineer I knew him to be before; I now knew that canals were another branch of his labours not a very illuminating fact; but could I pick up more in a single day? There remained Esens, and it was thither I resolved to go tonight a tedious journey, lasting till past eight in the evening; but there I should only be an hour from Norden by rail. And at Esens?

"The spheres are not for the earth. Our battles are not theirs. By betraying your world to these creatures, you are betraying the whole human race." "This is not so!" Norden said, thickly. "I know how to handle them. Orkins told me. He said he imitated their whistle and they spared him, while they killed the others in the plant. He didn't realize the value of his discovery.

To rise against the King was from the first a wicked deed to fight against famine, the plague and death is sin and madness. May God be with you, men!" "The burgomaster is sensible," cried a cloth-dyer. "Van Swieten and Norden think as he does, but Meister Peter rules through the Prince's favor.

"My uncle says," Bors told him, "that you kept Phillip of Norden from being assassinated by a fission-bomb at a cornerstone laying. He also says you wouldn't accept a reward, only a medal." "I collect them," said Morgan modestly. "You'd be surprised how many orders and decorations a man can acquire by industry and organization and Talents, Incorporated."

Fortune smiled still; there was no vehicle in waiting at all, and there were only half a dozen passengers. Two of these were the cloaked gentlemen who had been so nearly left behind at Norden, and another was von Brüning.

I must take the train they took, and alight where they alighted. If I could not find them at all I should be thrown back on the rejected view that Norden itself was the rendezvous, and should wait there till 10.46. In the meantime it was all very well to resolve on inaction till dusk; but after an hour's rest, damp clothes and feet, and the absence of pursuers, tempted me to take the field again.

"If you really were smart, you'd have counted us. Don't you know there are three of us who aren't afraid of the spheres?" As Masters spoke, the point of Pember's bayonet touched the small of Norden's back. The soldier had crept from the tunnel, unobserved by Norden, who was engrossed in the mental torture of his prisoners. With a cry of rage Norden whirled and fired.

About the same time that Sturtevant's treatise was published, there appeared a treatise entitled the 'Surveyor's Dialogue, by one John Norden, the object of which was to make out a case against the iron-works and their being allowed to burn up the timber of the country for fuel. Yet Norden does not make the number of iron-works much more than a third of Sturtevant's estimate.